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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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people accessing our support we must increase our services to meet demand, which takes additional funding,members of the public to join in some of our events to help support our work and we encourage people to find,Frequently asked questions We'd love to hear from you if you have any questions at all about joining,You might also find it helpful to have a look through our frequently asked questions, where we've answered,some of the questions we're often asked about.

Spittal village hall

Finding funding I sourced funding from the lottery fund and Robertson Trust, for decorating, new chairs,I've asked for a new electric cooker, and heard just last evening the fund has been awarded!,I used to make celebration cakes, so I can teach cake decoration and making sugar paste flowers.,And then research funding opportunities.,Find out exactly what the funders are asking for and what information or outcomes you need to feed back

Fair Funding in Scotland

The evidence we have collected demonstrates the urgent need for Fair Funding – an array of policy asks,Funding principles to align with SCVO’s definition of Fair Funding – developed through significant research,we want to ensure tangible, positive change, we need to have as consistent a voice as possible to make,Here you’ll find more information on Fair Funding and our key lines and asks, details of previous commitments,We hope that this will make it easier for your organisation to champion the need for Fair Funding.

Part E: SCVO’s role in securing progress on funding - where do we go from here?

conversations with intermediaries were set up with the dual aim of working with them to improve their funding,We asked intermediaries what they considered to be SCVO’s role in addressing the funding issues and challenges,On funding, SCVO should: Lead on sector funding challenges and finding solutions Support a strong collective,voice to influence funding Work with intermediaries to get the balance right when pushing on funding,Enhance the resources it already provides Ensure its engagement and influencing activity is accessible Make

Climate confident village halls

about the climate crisis, share your experiences with others in the sector, discover actions and funding,could seek funding for.,Find out more about steps you take to improve the climate impact of your buildings and energy use on,And the more people ask this of landlords, the more they will see it as an important part of providing,Back to: Handbook Next section: Funding for village halls

Useful Facts & Stats

The findings from Wave Eight of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker suggest that: As of Spring 2024, rising,For the first time, respondents were asked what changes they expected to make to remain operational in,In Wave Eight of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker, organisations were asked two questions relating to,funding for the sector - the first asked respondents about the main features of good grant management,in the sector, the second asked for any improvements they would like to see made to ensure reporting

About the Scottish Third Sector Tracker

of SCVO, the Scottish Government, the William Grant Foundation and the National Lottery Community Fund,As a direct result of its first phase, which ran from summer 2021 to spring 2023, SCVO was able to make,and media work, and Scottish Government gained invaluable insight which shaped internal decision-making,If you are interested in finding out more information on the impact of the first phase of the Tracker,Frequently Asked Questions

Chirnside Community Centre

We had to fund raise for that.,windows at the moment are quite open and smashed, we've got someone who would fix them but we can't find,the funding.,The biggest hurdle we have is trying to find young folks to come and join us, thinking about the future,Be aware of what people want, ask what they need or would like. Get people involved.

Board of trustees elections 2024

Along with our 4,000+ members, we believe that charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups make,Trustees make sure the governance of the organisation is maintained to a high standard.,is both rewarding and challenging, as we operate in an ever-changing environment with precarious funding,Trustees are asked, as far as possible, to be available for: meetings of the Board of Trustees [approximately,strategic objectives key internal and external events such as The Gathering and the Charity Awards Find