Before you start thinking about funding, it is useful to consider the following questions:
If you are applying for grant funding, it is important that you can demonstrate that your organisation is well run. Getting prepared with all the supporting evidence you might need before you begin making applications will save you time in the long run.
Good Governance
Funders want to know that the organisations they are supporting are well run with good governance. Whilst it might not be in your control to ensure that accounts are submitted on time or that you have an appropriate reserves policy in place, it is important that those who are responsible for this understand the impact that these things can have on your funding success.
If you need help with your governing documents or policies, visit our Good Governance guide.
What do funders typically look for when carrying out their due diligence checks?
You may be asked for some/all of the items below. Do you have a copy of these that is easily accessible? Create a folder in a shared drive so the whole team can access them.
Building relationships is an important part of keeping up to date with funding opportunities and increasing your chances of securing funding. Some of the key people to build relationships with are:
Lots of funders are looking for groups to work with others to achieve your project aims and having a strong partnership can strengthen your application. Collaborations could involve delivering a project jointly, hosting joint fundraising events, sharing resources, or sharing your learning and ideas.