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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Good Governance Webinars

v=mRd9F_fqcEA Good governance - why evaluation and reporting matters to trustees,Good governance - lived experience on boards,v=m-bsCG5bJsU Good governance - business planning post-COVID


Connecting Scotland is a Scottish Government initiative managed and delivered by SCVO.

Affordable Homes

The Scottish Government formed a group to review subsidy levels – which the SFHA was part of – and the,In 2016, the SNP was elected again to government and subsequently announced a target of 50,000 affordable,: “Although less than the 60,000 affordable homes our research called for, we welcomed the Scottish Government,“It is vital that post-2021, social housing providers can continue to deliver the housing that Scotland,SFHA, Shelter Scotland and CIH Scotland are working on new research into affordable housing need post

Support & learning

Includes governance, finance and managing people Village & community halls handbook Everything you need,recognition, capacity building, and professional education for the voluntary sector Find out more Latest posts,The latest posts in support & learning.

UK General Election 2024

The sector’s voice can and should be heard when it comes to influencing government policy, so make sure,As it is the Westminster government - not the Scottish Government - who are in the pre-election period,, Scottish Government work should in theory be able to continue largely as normal.,Some civil servants or political representatives may also have roles in both governments and therefore,Certificate’) - GOV.UK ( Apply to vote by proxy | Electoral Commission How to vote: Voting by post

Reports and news

All the latest insights from our Digital team Reports Supporting workforce digital skills in local government

Terms & conditions External links from the SCVO website The SCVO website links to websites that are managed by government,organisational purposes and you may draw the attention of others within your organisation to content posted,Governing law and legal enforcement We are situated in Scotland and the law of Scotland shall govern,If you comment you grant us the right to use and display any material which you post to or publish on,We have the right to remove any posting you make on our site if we, in our sole discretion, decide it

About the Scottish Third Sector Tracker

Tracker is run by an independent research company called DJS Research on behalf of SCVO, the Scottish Government,spring 2023, SCVO was able to make informed decisions on its influencing and media work, and Scottish Government,finding out more information on the impact of the first phase of the Tracker, please read this blog post

Community & Third Sector Recovery Programme

the Covid-19 emergency funding package, the application may be shared with other relevant Scottish Government,Data may be used for statistical purposes and by the Scottish Government and/or partnership members for,To submit a request for your data, please contact us by email, post or telephone, please use the contact

I Love Charity

We had two main aims: To support good governance within organisations to ensure they are well run, open,In the coming months, we’ll release more detail about the programme and keep you posted on opportunities