10 years of Community Jobs Scotland CJS has supported those furthest from the job market and helped to,Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) has delivered 10,376 jobs to young people.,placements 84% of employers reported that all or most placements were successful Benefits for employers,93% of employers agreed that the CJS support team brought value to employees and employers The CJS programme,Scotland has benefited young people, their employers and their communities -
the sector’s future Liaised closely with Scottish Government regarding the impact of the pandemic on CJS,funding Joined with TSEF to set up a new third sector employability community on basecamp Partnered,discuss the big issues for organisations with key stakeholders and subject experts Hosted Community Jobs,Scotland zoom sessions to support young people, staff and employers Support services And we responded,Scotland portal and networks to share news of funding opportunities claimed over £600K back from the HMRC job
to support young people into employment.,We also hosted 12 Community Jobs Scotland zoom sessions to support young people, staff and employers.,v=mayrysgDux4 Employability Background on our employability work with goodmoves, CJS and Kickstart From,We created and filled 115 Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) jobs.,This meant that overall, by March 2021, we'd created over 9,800 CJS jobs.
Scotland We celebrated 10 years of Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) – one of the country’s most successful,to employment.,In 2021/22, we created and filled a further 491 CJS jobs, bringing the total number of jobs created over,has had in supporting the creation of jobs in the voluntary sector for young people from the job market,. 84% of CJS placements reported as successful 93% of employers said CJS brought value to them 56.9%
A national employability programme which supports young jobseekers into employment in the voluntary sector,The Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) programme, funded by the Scottish Government and managed by SCVO, has,CJS provides real jobs with contracts of employment and a fair rate of pay, giving young people job security,Through CJS, SCVO is focused on addressing inequalities and finding jobs in charities, community organisations,Over half of CJS employees are kept on by their employers after their initial job has ended, and the
Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) is a Scottish Government funded job creation programme that performs a,Conclusions and Recommendations CJS remains a valuable employability programme as it creates good quality,Feedback from CJS employees, employers and stakeholders has been positive with recognition that changes,Enhance recruitment advertising to increase number of applications to CJS jobs. ?,Clarify off-the-job training offer. ? Establish a programme point of contact for CJS employees. ?
Evaluation of the CommunityJobs Scotland (CJS) programme.,CJS is a Scottish Government funded job creation programme that performs a dual function as: - An employability,partnership are Jobcentre Plus and Skills Development Scotland (SDS) who refer young people to the jobs,s continued support for Community Jobs Scotland.,CJS employees; an e-survey of CJS employers; analysis of CJS programme management information systems