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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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a community of organisations.,The resources, training and opportunities available to members, together with the wealth of news and information,It meant a lot to a small independent charity like Leuchie, and underlined the fantastic job our team,Cancer Support Scotland We talked to Stephanie Quigley, service manager with Cancer Support Scotland,of people accessing our support we must increase our services to meet demand, which takes additional funding

What SCVO has done

Hub which offered a single entry point to a range of emergency funds and information about others. ,Joined with TSEF to set up a new third sector employability community on basecamp Partnered with a range,of stakeholders to build a Scotland focused research community called the Scottish Third Sector Tracker,Jobs Scotland zoom sessions to support young people, staff and employers Support services And we responded,We: harnessed our Funding Scotland portal and networks to share news of funding opportunities claimed

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

We also hosted 12 Community Jobs Scotland zoom sessions to support young people, staff and employers.,we have: harnessed our Funding Scotland website and networks to share news of funding opportunitiesdelivered,Jobs Scotland funding, and joined with theThird Sector Employability Forum (TSEF)to set up a new voluntary,sector employability community online.,We created and filled 115 Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) jobs.

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

Scotland We celebrated 10 years of Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) – one of the country’s most successful,Visit Community Jobs Scotland In addition to our successful Community Jobs Scotland, we have been dedicated,The UK Community Renewal Fund SCVO secured funding to create 30 six-month voluntary sector work experience,by funded by SCVO, The Scottish Government, The National Lottery Community Fund and The William Grant,Scotland website continued to provide accurate, personalised and up-to-date information on funding opportunities

Guide to organisational change

how many people will be at risk of redundancy.The redundancy process also includes selecting staff, communicating,Finally, make sure you have explored all available funds and grants, like furlough, you may be able to,Scotland and Wales to individuals who have recently become unemployed (up to 13 weeks unemployed), who,to reside in the United Kingdom · have the right to work in the United Kingdom · reside in England, Scotland,It can be used to protect jobs when an organisation, or part of an organisation, moves from one employer


There are around 138,000 paid staff in the third sector in Scotland.

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

dedicated to supporting employability for younger and older people across Scotland through the following,or Higher/Further education, and 60% of those went onto a job being retained by their employer.,The UK Community Renewal Fund SCVO secured funding to create 31 six-month voluntary sector work experience,by funded by SCVO, The Scottish Government, The National Lottery Community Fund and The William Grant,and up-to-date information on funding opportunities, helping more than 164,000 people with their funding

SCOPE: skills recognition, capacity building and professional education for the voluntary sector

Known as SCOPE, this exciting project is funded by ERASMUS+, the European Commission’s programme for,Modules provide entry level information and learning on important matters related to running a voluntary,We ran two pilot phases in Scotland between November 2019 and Early May 2020.,This lets learners share their achievements with their peers and potential employers and will be useful,, job mobility and employability, particularly as many sector skills are the result of informal and non-formal

Fair Funding and Fair Work: Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations and TSI Scotland Network

These short-term financial arrangements impact employers, employees, volunteers, and the people and communities,Impacts for employers Unable to offer secure jobs; contracts can only be fixed term for up to a year.,or communities.,Short term, insecure jobs with low salaries are difficult for employers to recruit.,Ensure that funding decisions are taken and communicated within agreed timescales.

The five challenges

A study of young people not in employment, education or training in Scotland showed that they spent upwards,major socio-economic benefit from their significant usage and remained disenfranchised in the realms of job,Evidence from the Digital Participation Charter Fund and other projects to build foundation and essential,that people learn best from: Short bursts of repeated activity Over a prolonged period of time In an informal,Scotland needs a well-resourced network of digital upskilling opportunities in local communities, that