What will you be doing on the Thursday 5 May 2016? Hopefully casting your vote for the 2016 Holyrood elections.
It seems a long way away now (209 days if you’re that way inclined) but before we know it the next round of Scottish Parliamentary elections will be here.
That’s why SCVO is starting work on our manifesto today.
We want this to be a joint third sector manifesto, a document that reflects the amazing diversity of Scotland’s third sector and offers a shared vision for Scotland’s future.
And that’s where you come in.
We want to know what you think. It’s as simple as that really.
We want to hear about what’s important to you over the coming period of government and what ambitions you have for your organisation, your community and those you support.
"This is an opportunity to give one loud collective voice to what the third sector believes."
With this manifesto we want to help make your organisation’s voice heard. To make sure that your priorities and ambitions are highlighted and understood.
So send us anything and everything. This is a
crowdsourced manifesto and we’re encouraging everyone to get involved.
Want to tell us in 140 characters what your key message for the next Scottish Government should be? Then tweet with the
#tsmanifesto hashtag.
Got more than 140 characters worth to say? Then pop me an email at
Already published your manifesto? Send me the link (or pop a copy in the post!) I’ll not only read it but make sure to promote it.
Running an event? Let us know. We can help you promote it and would love to hear the feedback.
Got a great YouTube video that outlines your thinking? Want to tell me on a Vine? Then ping it across.
This is an opportunity to get involved. To be part of a joint third sector document, giving one, loud collective voice to what the third sector believes matters.
We’ll also be publishing a series of blogs looking back at what’s happened over the last four session of devolved government and what ambitions we have for the next four. We hope they’ll let people reflect on what has been achieved but also what’s still to come. If you’re interesting in contributing to this series, again just get in touch.
We’ll be asking for your thoughts all through October. So please, send them in, share the call with others and let us know what’s important to you, your community and your organisation ahead of Holyrood 2016.
Last modified on 23 January 2020