Ever get that niggling feeling that things could be working better, but you’re not sure how to fix them? This can be a real problem with digital, which seems like it’s constantly on the move. Just as you think you’re bang up to date, along comes something new that you feel under pressure to make sense of.
With digital, there is no ‘done’. This can be frustrating and scary. But it’s also inspirational – the best technology we have today will be even better and more capable in the future.
If you’re feeling a little at sea with digital, our free digital checkup service can help. You start with a simple self-assessment, which asks some basic questions to help you see where you are at on your digital journey. You’ll get an email with a link to your result so you can share it with your team. You can also book a free followup call with a digital expert to discuss your result. On this call, you’ll be able to dig into your result in more detail and explore your current priorities and challenges with some expert advice at hand. More than 700 organisations have completed our checkup since 2018, and with almost a third of them taking up our one-to-one support.
It was very useful to be able to discuss the requirements of our organisation and the pros and cons of various systems. John was so helpful and made the chat easy to understand rather than lots of technical jargon!
A checkup and a followup call won’t solve all your digital problems overnight. But it will give you some key advice to help you get started. And most organisations we talk to say that knowing where to start and getting a sense-check on their digital ambitions is massively helpful. We encourage organisations to think about digital evolution – making gradual improvements over time to develop their capability.
Having access to this kind of free support in an area that our organisation has no expertise in is absolute gold. Thank you SCVO!
The cost of living crisis is driving a spike in demand and pressure on budgets for lots of organisations. And lots of us are wondering how we can take temporary ‘digital duct tape’ and turn it into something that works for the longer-term. Alongside all this, people are wondering how to make sure that all this online stuff stays secure. There is no digital topic too big or too small – SCVO’s digital team are happy to advise.
John was very knowledgeable and efficient - he listened, asked questions and then talked through some options, going into the pros and cons of each option. Based on my answers, he made a recommendation. I have taken his recommendation. All done in a 20 minute phone call - very efficient and straightforward.
The SCVO digital checkup is free to use, and you can start yours now at https://digital.checkup.scot