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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Scotland's Digital Participation Charter Fund

digital skills to use it effectively.,Getting people online and developing basic digital skills in Scotland’s communities is key to tackling,Over the past three years, the Digital Participation Challenge Fund and Charter Fund have supported 126,projects across Scotland to get people online and develop basic digital skills.,Supported by the Scottish Government and BT, the new Digital Participation Charter Fund is now open for

Scotland's Digital Participation Challenge fund

in community digital participation projects across Scotland.,networks and improve the digital skills of their members, so that they can continue to thrive in the,The project must be about developing the basic digital skills of am organisation’s staff or the people,digital skills Provide regular progress updates by posting content to your project page (here’s an example,Participation Leadership Group made 33 direct offers of funding for digital participation projects.

Engaging with a new learner

Learning any new skill takes time and digital skills are no different.,Providing digital skills support should be informal and fun, rather than an IT skills lesson.,Build digital skills support into everyday interactions You can help people to build digital skills with,It includes interactive video tutorials on a range of topics including online basics such as searching,See our section on Essential Digital Skills: Being safe, legal and confident online.

Supporting Digital Champions

Build in space for interaction and participation.,Our training partners at Mhor Collective make use of Menti to allow Digital Champions to participate,You can make use of Zoom or Teams to record you sharing your screen and doing a demo of some basic tasks,Badges Some organisations use badges to recognise their Digital Champions.,Events Get your Digital Champions involved in events to promote your work.

Up to ÂŁ100 million needed to teach Scots digital skills

​Scotland's Digital Participation Leadership Group says over 20,000 charities and one in five adults,in Scotland lack basic digital skills

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

ERASMUS+) – an innovative e-learning platform for small voluntary sector organisations covering the basics,v=dKwzktQAPUE Digital An update on our work in digital participation, inclusion and evolution This year,has put digital into focus more than ever before, so we have worked on updating our Digital Check-up,service, and introducing a new Cyber Security Check-up and Essential Digital Skills Check-up, while,to support learning and developing long term digital skills.

We’ll help Scots go digital says BoS

The Bank of Scotland is the first bank to sign up to Scotland's digital participation charter

No Pound, No Cart: When Digital Currency Leaves You Hanging at the Supermarket

skills among those who were previously unmotivated to use a digital device.,space and acquire essential digital skills.,This necessity presents a unique opportunity to foster digital literacy skills.,Digital literacy encompasses more than basic computer skills; it is about equipping individuals with,, basic digital skills, cyber security issues and other potential harms?

Fund to help charities get more Scots online

Scottish charities can do more to get themselves and others online