digital skills to use it effectively.,Getting people online and developing basic digital skills in Scotland’s communities is key to tackling,Over the past three years, the Digital Participation Challenge Fund and Charter Fund have supported 126,projects across Scotland to get people online and develop basic digital skills.,Supported by the Scottish Government and BT, the new Digital Participation Charter Fund is now open for
in community digital participation projects across Scotland.,networks and improve the digital skills of their members, so that they can continue to thrive in the,The project must be about developing the basic digital skills of am organisation’s staff or the people,digital skills Provide regular progress updates by posting content to your project page (here’s an example,Participation Leadership Group made 33 direct offers of funding for digital participation projects.
What is ‘place-based’ digital inclusion?,Place-based digital inclusion is about building sustainable solutions to digital exclusion which take,From basic digital literacy to advanced topics, we cover it all.,Our digital inclusion team will guide participants through practical exercises, offering hands-on experience,We provide ongoing support, resources, and guidance to reinforce the skills acquired, ensuring a sustainable
ERASMUS+) – an innovative e-learning platform for small voluntary sector organisations covering the basics,v=dKwzktQAPUE Digital An update on our work in digital participation, inclusion and evolution This year,has put digital into focus more than ever before, so we have worked on updating our Digital Check-up,service, and introducing a new Cyber Security Check-up and Essential Digital Skills Check-up, while,to support learning and developing long term digital skills.