Our approach We invited SCVO's Intermediaries Network members to book a 30-minute meeting with our Policy,that receive Scottish Government funding, to inform our policy and influencing now and in the future,Combined, these intermediaries covered eight distinct policy areas.,policy issues, communicate the views of their members to policy makers, and provide a range of vital,that know their geographical areas or policy issues and can support frontline organisations with securing
What are intermediaries?,About Scotland's national intermediaries This document gives an overview of Scottish Intermediaries,,Resources Understanding intermediaries' impact Find a local Third Sector Interface SCVO Intermediaries,interest, such as evaluating and increasing impact, networking, representing members, developing shared policy,Be part of a joined-up approach to supporting voluntary action, stay in the loop on policy and funding
Find out more and join the Trustee Network Policy network Our Policy Network connects people within the,voluntary sector with an interest in policy developments and current affairs.,Find out more and join the Policy network Intermediaries network Our intermediaries network reflects,Be part of a joined-up approach to supporting voluntary action, stay in the loop on policy and funding,Find out more and join the Intermediaries network To find out more about our networks contact SCVO's
In this paper, we draw upon the experiences of voluntary sector intermediaries to shine a light on how,Intermediaries are organisations whose members are primarily other voluntary sector organisations or,and networks contributing to vital policies and strategic outcomes.,from across Scotland, highlighting the impact of unfair funding on national intermediaries.,This paper focuses on the funding that intermediaries receive directly from the Scottish Government,
ICAS Intermediary bodies Intermediaries are umbrella bodies that support member bodies working in certain,Intermediaries network The Law Society of Scotland Provides a searchable database of lawyers in Scotland
grants are for a range of different types of organisations which are agreed in line with the funder’s policy,Fair funding: SCVO calls on the UK government departments and agencies to adopt our Fair Funding policy,resources: Scottish Government funding of voluntary organisations: a case study of voluntary sector intermediaries,: in October 2022, SCVO published a report on the experiences of voluntary sector intermediaries to shine,As stated in response to the first question, SCVO has developed a suite of Fair Funding policy asks,
We’ve been working more closely than ever with third sector interfaces and other intermediary organisations,We have worked in partnership with Scottish Government on the pandemic response as well as on policy,Policy Insights into our policy work and how we have worked to support and advocate for the sector We,Our Policy team identified six key areas of focus for our policy work: CoronavirusEconomic actorEuropeEmployerPartnershipsRegulation,scvo1939 LinkedIn:www.linkedin.com/scvo YouTube: www.youtube.com/SCVOtv SCVO’s networks include: Intermediaries
SCVO policy submissions, engagement, and research with the sector throughout 2023-24.,Ultimately, this creates needless inefficiency at the heart of public policy and public services.,Voluntary sector intermediary Question 2.,As discussed, voluntary organisations are crucial to, and a partner in, the delivery of public policy,Such an approach would ensure that the policy is funded and that voluntary organisations do not have