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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Procurement: “inconsistency, bureaucracy, and inflexibility still creating challenges for third sector” 

public sector reviews and voluntary sector surveys chime strongly with the Committee’s summary: Good policies,are in place, but there is still a disconnect between policy and practice on the ground.,From the research reports we looked at we can see that the public sector wants to engage more with the

Using Research to Support Your Policy Position

Conference report from the Third Sector Policy Officers Network seminar on the 23rd February 2004.,Summary of key note speech and a number of case studies illustrating some of the many ways in which research,can support campaigning work and influence policy.

The Development of Rural Policy - Research Briefing

This paper discusses the development of rural policy between 1996 and 2001.,It includes an overview of Scottish and European policies and programmes relevant at the time, and it

Fair work in the voluntary sector: what’s working?

Last month GCVS and the Scottish Centre for Employment Research launched the findings from their very,As well as covering some of the same ground as the 2015 survey, their research brings in important new,GCVS’s research found that fewer people (19%) are actively looking for a new job now than in 2015, when

Gypsy Travellers and Public Sector Policies - Research Briefing

Inquiry into Gypsy Travellers and Public Policies? was published on 27 June 2001.,This Research Note summarises the recommendations contained in the report and the (then) Scottish Executive

Supporting disabled children and their families in Scotland: A review of policy and research

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has been supporting research about disabled children and their families,It gives an overview of current policies affecting disabled children and their families in Scotland and,draws on research carried out in Scotland.

Researching the third sector role in public policy making: challenges and opportunities

opportunities as never before to contribute to and influence the development and implementation of public policy,public consultation is mandatory, increased channels of communication offer rapid easy access to policy,challenges and opportunities facing national intermediary bodies in particular when engaging in research,this presentation, VHS draws on its own work to explore the role of national intermediaries as researchers,in policy making.

Organisational profiles: funding and public sector relationships

Disconnect between policy and practice — interviews highlighted several ‘disconnects’ between national,policy and the implementation of policy at the local level.The public sector has a poor understanding

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