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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Planning for EU Exit (Brexit)

At SCVO, we believe every person who works to make a difference to Scottish communities should be valued,Through our #EUareValued campaign we are encouraging organisations to ensure their staff, volunteers,The campaign includes regularly updated guides for employers and EU citizens, factsheets, posters and,in Scotland with issues and concerns about the EU Settlement Scheme.,SCVO campaigned against a no deal Brexit If you are an SCVO member our Professional Networks can help

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

That’s how we make sure the voluntary sector in all its diversity is valued and respected.,are common across the sector and SCVO must have the confidence and resilience to hold true to our values,from the job market. 84% of CJS placements reported as successful 93% of employers said CJS brought value,Our #NeverMoreNeeded content reached approximately 1 million views, with our campaign film being viewed,The campaign generated media coverage across 23 publications and united voluntary organisations behind

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

NICVA, The Wheel and WCVA) to co-ordinate support to the sector and launched the #NeverMoreNeeded campaign,& Campaigns An overview of partnership projects and campaigns SCVO has been involved with in 2020/21,The mPower project (supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU,Our Never More Needed campaign has spotlighted the contribution voluntary organisations are making on,This year we completed the membership review that we started in 2019/20 to update and streamline the value

Useful contacts

Alliance Comprised of Scotland's leading community sector networks, the Scottish Community Alliance campaigns,speaking up for and supporting rural communities in England, including Village Halls Week, a national campaign,Trust Organisation A membership organisation full of people who have delivered amazing heritage projects

EU nationals in Scotland feel insecure about future

A campaign group has revealed that Brexit has already had emotional and practical impacts on EU nationals

Third sector EU workers get backing in face of Brexit

The Scottish Government has pledged to support third sector staff who fear for their futures after Brexit

Brexit is built on shifting - and rapidly disappearing - sands

With Brexit looming, Craig Wilson looks at its implications and the steps that are being taken to ensure

Kirk demands UK government action on migrants’ plight

Greater protections must be enacted to protect vulnerable migrants says leading church figure

Post-legislative scrutiny: Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014

value from procurement currently.",We urge the Committee to clearly back and champion CCPS's 4 Steps to Fair Work Campaign.,For example, requirements for infrastructure projects are applied to services.,necessary accreditations: Demanding accreditations such as ISO Certification, not relevant to the project,This is vital to achieving Best Value, but is seldom recognised in the initial stages of project development

Plan aims to tackle social care recruitment crisis

Small community teams and a national campaign to promote social care as a career are among the initiatives