We received over 13,000 votes for the People’s Choice Award so I would also like to thank all those who,: Ewan Aitken, Cyrenians Charity Champion: Fiona Shapcott, Kids Love Clothes Cracking Campaign: PrEP,for Scotland – HIV Scotland Pioneering Project: Personal Safety Courses for the Blind & Visually Impaired,Cracking campaign winner HIV Scotland Charity champion winner Fiona Shapcott, Kids Love Clothes Pioneering,project winner The Scottish Centre for Personal Safety Leading light winner Ewan Aitken, Cyrenians Celebrating
“I am absolutely delighted to accept this award on behalf of all those who work with and care for people,I am grateful to those who think I am worthy of receiving this award”, said Bill.,The project has seen amazing results, with 97 per cent of shop managers saying they would recommendthe,The Scottish Youth Parliament won the Campaign of the Year award with its Love Equally campaign.,of the difficulties that young people who care for loved ones face.
Scottish Charity Awards winners - 2017 The winners were announced at the glittering Scottish Charity,Laura said: ‘I feel so honoured to receive the Charity Champions Award.,The project improves members’ well-being and quality of life by reducing social isolation, improving,Joe Pike, Gordon’s husband, said: “I would love to have seen the expression on Gordon's face as he was,I would have loved to have heard the speech - the powerful speech - he would have given.
death, she took the fledgling organisation and has turned it into one of the UK’s best known and most loved,Lee said: “I am so honoured to be named Charity Champion of the year.,I must say, I am filled with optimism and hope for the future for the charitable sector across Scotland,andunemployed people in Govan, teaching them skills through traditional boat building projects.,The project supports offenders through their transition from prison back into the community, working
Scottish Charity Awards winners - 2022 We announced the winners of the Scottish Charity Awards 2022 at,Read all about our winners: Campaign of the Year- "Hare to stay" Leuchie House Leuchie House provides,I love my volunteering role as it gives me as much satisfaction as I hope I give the clients that I support,Ian said: “It is with absolute humility and delight that I accept this Scottish Charity Award 2022.,grew as people showed their love of animals and support.
Scottish Charity Awards winners - 2021 We announced the winners of the 2021 Scottish Charity Awards at,v=c3liwQvzrEI Campaign of the year – Stop It Now!,Scotland said: “We’re thrilled to have won Campaign of the Year for our #GetHelporGetCaught campaign,Drugs – Click and Deliver Naloxone Over the last ten years, nearly 10,000 families in Scotland lost a loved,In doing so, the team has helped people stay connected with loved ones, access support and home-school
Elaine said: “I feel so proud to win the Charity Champion category of the SCVO Scottish Charity Awards,This has been an incredibly difficult time for all charities and I am honoured to receive this award,Pioneering project – Autism-Friendly Rugby (Strathmore Community Rugby Trust) This unique project aims,& Dementia Services; Vintage Vibes, addressing isolation in over 60’s; Employment Training, in a lovely,Bridie said: “I would like to say how humbled I am to win this award, however, I am delighted for the
2018, the third sector was rocked by a fall in public trust and damning headlines of unacceptable charity,survey in November 2017 strongly or tended to agree that charities are trustworthy.,As a sector that embraces human rights and campaigns for equality, we should celebrate and embrace this,So, at SCVO, we took the bull by the horns and launched the ‘I Love Charity’ campaign in February to,inspire trust in charities.
Magda Czarnecka, chief executive, Feniks said: "Winning the Scottish Charity Awards' Campaign of the,Our appreciation goes out to the Scottish Charity Awards for recognising our campaign, and we are honoured,women to access support on their terms, connect with loved ones and most importantly, to stay safe.,Andrii Zhehestovskyi, volunteer, Libraries & Information Services Dundee said: "I am very proud to be,, the Sheraton Hotel for hosting us and of course to Sally Magnusson who was lovely as ever.
change among senior leadership teams and wider organisation, as well as leading large-scale research projects,He trains on strategic topics such as project management and contracts and service level agreements,,“I learn from participants on every course I deliver and I build that learning into my materials.”,Along with his brilliant team, Lawrence is highly experienced in developing campaigns that pack a punch,Lindsay loves having a front row seat as pieces of the jigsaw fall into place for folk who attend her