An Analysis of the Consultation Responses to the Energy Efficiency Action Plan
The Climate Change (Scotland) Act commits the Scottish Government to prepare and publish a plan for promoting energy efficiency; and improving the energy efficiency of living accommodation. The draft Energy Efficiency Action Plan sets out a comprehensive approach to energy efficiency by the Scottish Government and the public sector in Scotland, focusing on its impact on energy and economic development, housing and transport and on the role it can play in helping to achieve climate change targets. The consultation on the Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Scotland ? Conserve and Save, was published in October 2009 by the Scottish Government. A total of 495 submissions from organisations and individuals were received and 97 of these contained unique comments, which form the main body of the report, while 398 were part of a World Wide Fund for Nature [WWF] campaign. Within the WWF group there were 213 submissions [54%] which contained additional comments and these were separately recorded. The unique responses were allocated to the following respondent groups ? Local Authorities [19]; Public Bodies [12]; Businesses [26]; Professional Bodies [7]; Not-for-Profit Organisations [26]; Public [7].