Child Poverty Map of the UK
The End Child Poverty campaign is a coalition of over 100 charities committed to ending child poverty in the UK. This report provides a localised map of child poverty on the closest possible measure to that used nationally by the government. The figures presented are for mid 2012. They show the scale of the challenge to achieve this goal, especially in some local areas. In 69 wards throughout the UK, the majority of children (50% and above) remain in poverty. The report includes Scotland-specific child poverty maps, showing that Glasgow has one of the highest child poverty rates in the UK. KEY FINDINGS On average throughout the UK, one in five (20.2%) children are classified as below the poverty line (before housing costs). In some areas of large cities, this rises to over 40%. At a more local level, there are more significant concentrations of child poverty: in 69 local wards, between 50% and 68% of children face poverty.