Community facilities in rural Scotland: a study of their use, provision and condition
The main aims of this research were to gather and analyse data on the current provision and condition of rural community facilities (RCFs) and to assess the levels and nature of their use. A combination of desk-based and primary research was undertaken to meet these aims. This included a review of relevant literature; updating an existing database of main contact for RCFs; and primary research to gather information on various aspects of RCF and to explore their role in the delivery of a range of activities in a community and economic sustainability of RCFs. The primary research consisted of a postal survey of RCF contacts, completed by 322 respondents; interviews with nine funders and advisers; and detailed case studies of six facilities, which included in-depth interviews with committee and other community members. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) collaborated on the project with the Scottish Government, providing information and an initial database of RCF contacts. The research was undertaken by a team led by researchers from the Scottish Agricultural College, shortly after the launch of Rural Direct under Scotland?s Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 (SRDP). The findings on information sources and sources of funding should be seen in that context.