Good Practice Guidance for working with Children and Families affected by Substance Misuse
The national drugs strategy calls for agencies to assess the needs of children of drug misusing parents, and provide services to safeguard their welfare. This document sets out national guidance for all relevant agencies to assist them to do so. The Scottish Executive has asked all Drug Action Teams and Child Protection Committees to have in place local policies on support to drug misusing parents and their children, in line with the guidance in this document. This guidance has been drafted in consultation with people who work either with substance misusers or with children and young people, or both. The aim is to provide guidance for everyone who has an interest in the well-being of children and families. This includes staff in drug and alcohol services, children's services and criminal justice agencies. The guidance should be useful for social workers, medical and nursing staff in hospitals and the community, health visitors and other health professionals, teachers, housing staff, youth workers, psychologists, staff in voluntary organisations, Reporters, police, Procurators Fiscal and staff in prisons. The first part of this guidance sets out what is currently known about the extent of parental substance misuse and the impact on children. Part 2 sets out what agencies need to ask of families when they present with drug or alcohol problems, and provides guidance to staff on identifying risks. Part 3 offers advice on what kinds of help may be needed, and on how to work together more effectively. Part 4 tackles the complex area of confidentiality and offers advice to agencies about when and how to share information. Part 5 identifies the need to strengthen services for families and offers advice on how this might be done. Information and advice on pregnancy is collated in Appendix III.