Public trust and confidence in charities
This report presents the findings of the 2012 Charity Commission study into public trust and confidence in charities, conducted by Ipsos MORI on behalf of the Commission. A representative survey of 1,142 adults aged 18+ in England and Wales was conducted by telephone between 4 and 21 May 2012. Key Findings There are two key patterns seen in the 2012 Public Trust and Confidence data: - There has been an increase in the proportion of adults who agree that some fundraising methods used by charities make them uncomfortable. This is accompanied by evident concerns amongst the public that charities spend too much on salaries and administration, which is held up as a key barrier towards greater charitable giving. This points to clear challenges for fundraisers and for charities to overcome the public?s (arguably often unrealistic) expectations of the proportion of their donations that reach the end cause. - The survey also supports the view that charity spending is increasing to meet demand, with a rising perception that charities play an essential role in society (those saying charities play an essential role has risen from 30% in 2010 to 37% in 2012). There has also been an increase in the proportion of the public who use a range of different charities? services. A third of respondents (34%, up from 30%) say they have benefited personally, or had close friends or family benefit from a charity. When prompted with specific examples, a much greater proportion say they or close friends/family have.