Supporting collaboration between the third and public sectors: evidence review
This report presents findings of research conducted by Scottish Government researchers to better understand current barriers to effective collaboration between third sector organisations and the public sector – particularly focusing on relationships between the third sector, local government and national government. This research project was guided by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), Third Sector Interface Network (TSI Network), The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and the Scottish Government to strengthen collaboration between the voluntary sector and national and local government. The report draws on two sources of data: a rapid review of the existing literature and evidence base relevant to existing barriers to collaboration between the third and public sectors and a set of thirteen qualitative interviews with key stakeholders from four third sector organisations, seven third sector interfaces, and five stakeholders representing local authority perspectives.
Key findings
The rapid literature review and stakeholder interviews highlighted four primary areas that present frequent challenges for collaboration between third sector, local government and national government. Those areas were: funding, meaningful collaboration, procurement and lack of trust, with lack of trust being a cross-cutting concern which affects each of the other identified themes.
- Short-term funding
- Inflexible funding
- Reductions in funding
- COVID-19 and funding
- Funding and trust
Meaningful collaboration
- Promoting better understanding between sectors
- Promoting equal partnerships
- Open communication
- Building trusted relationships
- Empowerment of communities
Public sector procurement and the third sector
- Approaches to public procurement
- Competitive tendering