Supporting health promotion activity in the voluntary sector: strategic needs assessment
The aim of the research was to assist the former Health Education Board for Scotland (HEBS) voluntary sector programme in the development of a strategic approach for supporting health promotion activity in the voluntary sector. The research involved conducting interviews with respondents from a structured sample of 30 voluntary organisations across Scotland; in addition, a sample of 15 interviewees was drawn for all 32 local authorities and all 15 health boards. The research was also informed by a series of discussion groups, facilitated by the researchers, involving representatives from the voluntary sector, local authorities and the health service. A number of important themes emerged from the research relating to: * voluntary sector involvement in health-related activities * funding * partnerships, and * the role of the Health Education Board for Scotland The report also made a number of wide ranging recommendations, as well as a more specific set of recommendations to HEBS, the Scottish Executive and SCVO.