The Reinvention of Philanthropic Charities
Scottish Government funding for an enterprising Third Sector implicitly assumes that a key yardstick for assessing sustainability of third sector organisations is trading success within a market controlled by the purchase of services by the public sector. Excluded from this model are ?traditional? philanthropic charities in which there are donors and beneficiaries, and in which the public sector?s role, if any, is that of partner donor. This paper examines a case study of philanthropic charities operating within a specific public sector occupational setting, namely fire services. It explores how these charities have adapted the tools of an enterprising third sector to achieve philanthropic ends and sustainable donor bases. An essential element to these ?businesses? has been their success in accessing resources through the corporate social responsibility budgets of the public sector itself. The paper questions the lack of Government interest in philanthropic charities which operate within the public sector, are led by public sector employees, and which through procurement of facilities and resources from the public sector at zero cost add value to donor income.