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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Evidence library

Third Sector Forecast 2019

The 2019 SCVO forecast finds that the third sector continues to face the twin challenges of increasing demand against a backdrop of funding challenges, particularly shrinking public sector budgets and the direct and knock-on effect of local authority cuts on voluntary organisations and the communities they work in.

Looking forward People expect tough times ahead. 34% think their own finances will worsen, and 75% think that the financial situation for the sector will worsen. 88% of respondents from rural areas believe the sector’s financial situation will worsen. There continues to be a great deal of uncertainty around funding and political environment. 1 in 4 don’t feel confident planning ahead for the coming year. Despite this, confidence is only slightly down on two years ago. Sector is trying to rise to challenges and be proactive. 56% of respondents think that the number of services they provide will increase. 81% of respondents expect demand to increase – up from 72% in 2017. Only 1% anticipate a drop in demand. Only 9% think that the number of services they provide will decrease.

Key stats 100% of respondents are concerned about rising overheads. 91% of respondents said planning for the future is a challenge. 91% of respondents said sourcing long-term funding is a challenge 88% of respondents said diversifying funding is a challenge 82% of respondents are worried about the challenges created by funding cuts 81% of respondents said meeting increased demand will be a challenge 83% of respondents think delivering quality, affordable services will be a challenge 84% of respondents think demonstrating impact will be a challenge 80% think managing relationships with local and national government will be a challenge 67% of respondents think recruiting and retaining staff will be a challenge 67% think recruiting and retaining volunteers will be a challenge

Published on 17 June 2019