Time Well Spent 2022
Time Well Spent is NCVO’s research programme focusing on volunteers and their experience. The second national survey with 7,000 members of the public ran at the end of 2022. Data was analysed and compared it to 2018 survey findings.
- The latest Community Life Survey found the proportion of the UK population who had volunteered at least once a month in 2021/22 was 16%. This was down from about 23% in 2019/20, reflecting the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. Volunteer participation has not fully recovered since then. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/community-life-survey-202122
- While it’s difficult to compare an overall level, our survey data saw a drop in some key volunteering activities, reflecting the impact of the pandemic on certain volunteering activities. Those raising money or taking part in sponsored events (down from 11% to 6%). Those organising or helping to run an activity (down from 14% to 7%). Those campaigning on behalf of the group, club or organisation (down from 8% to 4%).
- The vast majority of volunteers have a positive experience. However, compared to the previous data, overall satisfaction levels have decreased slightly.
- There are still challenges around equity, diversity and inclusion
- Virtual volunteering is here to stay
- Volunteering motivations haven’t changed
- Practical barriers need to be addressed