VHS Briefing: Impact of COVID-19 on Voluntary Health Organisations
Covid-19/Coronavirus. .VHS conducted a survey of member organisations and wider network to help establish the impact COVID-19 is having on the health and wellbeing of people supported by organisations and on organisations’ own ability to continue supporting people. The survey ran from 26th March to 31st March 2020 and received 143 responses from a wide range health charities and other voluntary and third sector organisations involved in supporting people’s health and wellbeing.
This briefing sets out the top-line results of the research and highlights the speed, creativity and flexibility that the third sector is demonstrating as it responds to the crisis, as well as the substantial challenges and barriers it is facing.
How is COVID-19 and the current lock-down impacting (directly or indirectly) on the health and wellbeing of the people you support?
- Overall poor mental health, increased fear, anxiety and increase in suicidal thoughts
- Loneliness and social isolation
- Lack of access to key services and support
- Lack of access to clear information about COVID19
- Lack of access to healthcare for existing conditions
- Increase in poverty
- Lack of access to food
- Digital exclusion
- Lack of access to appropriate social care
- Lack of respite for carers
- Increase in substance misuse including tobacco, alcohol and drugs
- Increased stresses on family relationships
- Lack of transport
How are you adapting your services/activities/support in response to COVID-19 and are there services/activities/support you have had to stop?
- Providing support over the phone: Many organisations are developing helplines or growing their existing helpline capacity by repurposing staff to work on phone lines. Some organisations are providing regular welfare calls or telephone befriending.
- Utilising digital technology: A number of organisations are using digital platforms to provide a range of face-to-face services, virtually. This includes therapy, meditation, exercise, peer support, consultations, advice and befriending amongst other forms of support. Organisations are also using online tools to recruit, interview and train volunteers.
- Practical support: Organisations are repurposing themselves and offering food and medicine deliveries, meals on wheels services and general shopping support. One organisation is supporting the NHS by transporting samples and equipment from individuals in the community to hospitals. Others are providing vital community transport.
- Signposting: Some organisations such as TSIs are collating and sharing information about the support and services that are available locally for people. Many are developing local partnerships with other organisations including NHS, Local Authorities, and Health and Social Care Partnerships.
- Providing information: Many organisations are supporting their service users to understand the latest information about COVID-19. Some are even producing guidance for individuals and NHS staff about specific conditions and COVID-19.
What additional resources would your organisation need in order to continue or adapt existing services/activities?
- Business Continuity costs
- Additional services, projects or activities costs
- Additional staff costs
- Helpline costs
- Capital expenditure