Summary report Interactive dashboard Data tables Wave 1-8 key findings report - Spring 2024 This report,presents key findings from the Scottish Third Sector Tracker, covering the period from August 2021 to,It updates some of the key metrics featured in the more detailed wave 1-6 report.,Key findings report Wave eight - Spring 2024 The findings for wave eight are now available.,Summary report Interactive dashboard Data tables Waves 1-6 summary report - Spring 2023 Find out more
This report provides an overview of the key insights from the first six Waves of the Scottish Third Sector,Tracker, from August 2021 to April 2023.,Despite the emergence of increasing financial concerns, in Wave 6 (Apr 2023) 29% of organisations reported,The stark rise in operating costs during 2022 and 2023 was a concern for the Third Sector, with many,by Wave 6.
The Scottish Third Sector Tracker is a growing research community made up of representatives from third, their organisation as a member of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker.,ENDS Notes for editors: An Executive Summary of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker’s First Phase of research,can be found here:,-1-to-6-executive-summary The Tracker is entering its second phase.
In Wave 1 (Aug 2021), 56% of organisations reported an increased demand, rising to 63% by Wave 6 (Apr,The Scottish Third Sector Tracker is a growing research community made up of representatives from third,ENDS Notes for editors: An Executive Summary of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker’s First Phase of research,can be found here:,6-executive-summary The Tracker is entering its second phase.
The most recent wave of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker has shown that, in Winter 2023, 95% of organisations,reported facing challenges, up from 88% in the Spring.,The Tracker’s waves 1-6 report has also highlighted that there has been an increase in organisations,This is unsurprising, coming on the back of the Tracker’s waves 1-6 report showing that, between August,As outlined above and in every wave of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker, the voluntary sector finds
Download PDF The voluntary sector in numbers – key facts There are over 46,500 voluntary sector organisations,in Scotland In a typical year, 4 in 5 households use a voluntary sector service Almost 1 in 3 people,young people said they had used a service provided by a charity in the last 12 months (OSCR 2022) In 2023,the voluntary sector’s turnover in Scotland was £9.7bn In 2023 the voluntary sector spent £9.3bn on,size and shape and get in touch with our research team if you'd like to know more.