Total items: 39
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of 4
Building the community economy in Scotland: supporting learning and action (August 2020)
James Henderson, Philip Revell, Oliver Escobar
What Works Scotland
12 August 2020
Regulating in the public interest: The relationship between Charity, charities and the general public. (May 2020)
The Charity Commission for England and Wales and Populus
The Charity Commission for England and Wales
15 June 2020
Third Sector Resilience Fund - summary of submissions to the Local Government and Communities Committee. (May 2020)
Greig Liddell, Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe).
Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe)
15 June 2020
Valuing the Third Sector: Looking ahead to the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2020-21
Equalities and Human Rights Committee, Scottish Parliament
19 May 2020
Re-thinking our Global Economic Future: reflections on the early stage impact of COVID-19 crisis
Professor Andrew Goudie
Fraser of Allander Institute
14 April 2020
Understanding Asset Mapping and Partnering in Scotland - Executive summary and Full Report
Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University
11 March 2020