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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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membership benefits and support networks A strong community of voluntary organisations of all sizes Shape,the future of the voluntary sector in Scotland Membership-exclusive events We regularly run sessions,We were attracted to join SCVO as members because SCVO is a driving force within Scotland’s charity sector,The resources, training and opportunities available to members, together with the wealth of news and,Additionally, SCVO’s values resonate with values that Cancer Support Scotland strive to deliver daily

The future of SCVO: consulting on a new strategic approach

The future of SCVO: consulting on a new strategic approach After a time of change and reflection, the,Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is looking for your help to create our new strategic,Whatever your relationship and engagement with SCVO, your views matter and will help shape how we move,strategic plan at the Gathering in the new year.,’s new purpose and strategic approach with our stakeholders exploring our new approach to membership

Better regulation

mean for different parts of the sector and to ensure that the impacts of regulation on the sector help shape,Current areas of focus We have a particular focus on the future review of charity regulation and the,& opinion The latest better regulation news and blogs.,We consistently work in collaboration with members and partners both in Scotland and UK-wide to ensure,Perfect storm could see voluntary groups shut - SCVO's Paul Bradley highlights the data from our Third

SCVO Trustee Network

In partnership with With over 250,000 trustees across the country who help shape and guide voluntary,New trustee? Congratulations!,internal turmoil, it can also have far reaching effects on your organisation’s reputation and long term future,Goodmoves search Volunteer Scotland search Need to recruit trustees?,and Third Sector Interfaces will also appear on the SCVO Trustee Network search.

The Gathering 2022: a round-up

delegates to build a programme to suit their needs: Over 65 different organisations hosted 80+ sessions to shape,how the Scottish Government can create the conditions that allow the sector to fully participate in shaping,of a new Volunteering Action Plan for Scotland.,Your opinions will help us to shape our plans for what the Gathering and other events might look like,in future- keep your eyes peeled for more information on the evaluation and our future plans.

Trustees' Week 2021

We want to say thank you to the 250,000 trustees across the country who help shape and guide voluntary,and hear about the launch of a special offer for Trustees Week 2021 where voluntary organisations in Scotland,v=oMa7HYm1v0U 2 NOV – Digital Good Governance Checkup Launch This webinar will explore how SCVO's new,lots of tips and techniques to use digital tools to help future proof your board and ensure you can,Third Sector Governance Forum also has listings of great events going on all over Scotland.

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

Our members sit at the very heart of SCVO and play an active role in shaping our work.,publication Third Force News (TFN) was established in 1996 and is Scotland's only specialist publication,. 1,000 articles published 1 million page views Research to shape the future In 2022/23, we carried out,These findings continue to be pivotal in shaping SCVO's policy, digital, communications and support activities,, and have shaped conversations in the Scottish Parliament, Third Force News and mainstream news media

SCVO Impact

members Our members sit at the very heart of SCVO and play an active role in shaping our work.,Photos: Lewis Houghton / Making the headlines SCVO's publication Third Force News (TFN) was,. 1,000 articles published 1 million page views Research to shape the future SCVO’s Third Sector Tracker,reports The findings of this research were (and continue to be) pivotal in shaping SCVO's policy, digital,Force News and mainstream news media.

Is there a future for Scotland’s National Performance Framework? 

At a time when a new policy framework or strategy emerges every week in Scotland with little to no mention,around the cluttered landscape of Scottish public policy, a more critical question is: 'How can we shape,We want to see a change of language in the 'Fair Work and Business' outcome, a new indicator to measure,That future is certainly not set in stone.,Make your voice heard before the deadline on Monday 12 June 2023, and your input might shape the future

Top tips for businesses to support #NeverMoreNeeded

If your organisation is a funder, take a look at SCVO’s guide to best practise for funders during Coronavirus,Corporate volunteers can donate their time to help manage, shape and guide charities through the coronavirus,Social Good Connect is a new social enterprise that helps businesses embed corporate volunteering.,Visit Social Enterprise Scotland to find out more or, if you work in Aberdeen, ACVO runs a programme,Have you considered working with a charity to help recruit future leaders?