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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Learning from Mergers

This research published by Capacitybuilders in England shows that the majority of public service commissioners would like to see greater collaboration and merger between organisations that provide support and advice to civil society groups. The findings show that commissioners...

Small charity accounts: a comparative study

In November 2008, OSCR published the results of a comparative study into the accounts of small charities. The study aimed to establish a benchmark for compliance with the statutory requirements set out under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Charity...

Public and Charity Perspectives - OSCR's 2009 Surveys

The overall aim of this research was to gauge and track the opinions of charity trustees and the general public in order to provide evidence to inform OSCR?s decision making. The results may be compared with OSCR?s 2008 surveys of trustees and the general public, and the 200...

Wellbeing, Succession & Diversity In Scotland's Voluntary Sector Leadership

144 voluntary sector CEO’s and senior leaders, members and non members of ACOSVO filled out our Wellbeing, Succession and Diversity survey which ran from July 19th to August 23rd 2021. Key findings from this snapshot of Scotland’s sector leaders showed a huge disparity in...

Using the code

Laws and regulations are fundamental to good governance.,It is there to support continuous improvement and strengthen the effectiveness of governance across the,The code is supported by the SCVO Good Governance Checkup, which is an online tool to guide you through,Terminology There are many different terms used for the governing bodies of third-sector organisations,This is an essential part of good governance and underpins all five of the core principles.

Key findings summary

draw upon the experiences of voluntary sector intermediaries to shine a light on how the Scottish Government,National intermediaries are effective partners for government, parliament, and funders, with their members,Serving as a case study of how the Scottish Government funds voluntary organisations more broadly, this,This paper focuses on the funding that intermediaries receive directly from the Scottish Government,,which includes funding that is disseminated by organisations on behalf of the Scottish Government.

Use and Understanding of the Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification

The Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification is a 6 fold classification which distinguishes between,The Scottish Government commissioned this study to investigate the extent to which this classification

Funding Scotland