Members of governing bodies go by a variety of names – ‘Trustees’, ‘Management or Executive Committee,The name depends on your legal status, governing document and custom and practice.,What should the governing body do?,Establish policies and procedures to govern organisational activity, including guidance for the board,Manage risk and ensure compliance and accountability with the governing document, external regulators
group of people around a table and assume that they will automatically become a highly effective governing,You need to create a culture that grows good governance and enables your trustees to work together as,Governance Manual A governance manual can assist in the development and overall effectiveness of your,Building Skills and Experience There are core skills relevant to every governing body.,Review Governing bodies should have an annual cycle of planning and review.
The Good Governance Checkup which will help you understand how well your organisation is doing on governance,Come along and help us debate how we should fix governance.,Good governance check-up How good is your organisation's governance?,Use our good governance check-up to find out.,It guides you through the principles of the Scottish Governance Code for the third sector.
2025/26 will see the new UK government bed in, and preparations begin for Scottish Parliament elections,in 2026 and local government elections in 2027.,into 2025/26, there are some signs of strain in relationships between the voluntary sector and governments
In response to the UK Government’s Energy Bills Discount Scheme, SCVO Chief Executive Anna Fowlie said,“We are calling on Scottish Government to reopen their Electricity and Natural Gas framework agreements,“Together with our partners in NCVO, we are also calling on the UK government to recognise the particular,voluntary organisations such as hospices, refuges, social care and community leisure providers, and for government
Overall, our view is that the Scottish Government can and must do more to deliver fair funding, not only,While voluntary organisations are undoubtedly grateful for the Scottish Government’s continued support,We know that the Scottish Government recognises the need for a vibrant voluntary sector.,In its COVID Recovery Strategy, the government has noted its ‘commitment to working with partners…in,This paper outlines what a convincing response from the Scottish Government to the funding challenges
The language of governance will change depending on the structure and status of your organisation.,We have used the generic terms of governing body, members of a governing body and governing document,But here’s a guide to some of the jargon you will come across in your path to good governance.,Appraisal: a judgement of the extent to which the governing body is fit for purpose and competent to,O Objects: the statement of an organisation’s purpose set out in its governing document.
Framework agreements are agreements between the Scottish Government and suppliers of a range of goods,The Scottish Government’s Procurement and Property Directorate leads on and delivers framework agreements,All of these can be found on the Scottish Government’s procurement contract directory.,The majority of the framework agreements available on the Scottish Government’s procurement contract,directory on the Scottish Government website.
How good is your organisation's governance?,Our brand new Good Governance checkup tool guides you through the principles of the Scottish Governance,Use our Good Governance tool now Events With the support of CCLA Investment Management SCVO is hosting,v=oMa7HYm1v0U 2 NOV – Digital Good Governance Checkup Launch This webinar will explore how SCVO's new,organisation's governance. 3 NOV – Good Governance: lived experience on