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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

From straw man to Wicker Man?

Annie Gunner Logan looks at the unintended consequences of community empowerment, stemming from a lack of strong shared ambitions and clear vision

Spey Bay Hall

  • Membership number 9401
  • Charity registered in Scotland SC009022

Lottery accused of “disempowering” Scots community

Community believes funder is deliberately wanting it to fail

The fund supports capital projects that create or improve places that people take part in sport and physical activity. Awards are available for sports facility projects within club & communities, school & education or performance sport environments. In clubs and communities they will support: - new, upgraded or extended sports facilities; Inclusive changing facilities- facilities that provide or improve access for outdoor sport and adventure activities- floodlights that increase capacity at appropriate sports facilities- major items of sports equipment. They will provide enhanced support to projects within or serving the most deprived communities, according to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD). They focus participation and progression and prioritise projects where there is a commitment to equalities & inclusion, people development, collaboration & impact.Greater prioritisation will be given to projects and applications supporting Return to Sport objectives and outcomes following the Coronavirus Pandemic. As well as those that can clearly demonstrate an embedded inclusive approach such as Changing Lives Through Sport and Physical Activity and target participants in/from SIMD areas or Disability, BAME or other protected characteristic groups.

The developers of the Lochelbank Wind Farm, RWE Innogy UK provide this Fund for the benefit of residents in the geographic areas represented by the Community Councils of Glenfarg and Bridge of Earn. Money from the Fund will be used to support community projects and activities in these areas.The Fund will provide grants to support charitable activities that: - Enhance quality of life for local residents- Contribute to vibrant, healthy, successful and sustainable communities- Promote community spirit and encourage community activity.Community groups can access funding through two available grant programmes:- Main Grants: open to constituted groups and charities with a focus on community cohesion, sustainable communities and enhancing the quality of life for residents. - Microgrants: can be applied for at any time to fund new and small-scale activity.

The trust funds charitable organisations in the district of Angus that assist in the provision of housing and other necessities for the inform, elderly, needy or disabled.

Financial support is available to communities to utilise existing Community Right to Buy legislation, allowing communities to register an interest in acquiring land or buildings and have the first option to purchase if/when it's offered for sale.

The purpose of the trust is to support the regeneration and development of the Outer Hebrides through disbursement of Community Benefit secured from the local deployment of Renewable Energy installations.The Board’s current main focus is to assist projects which will support the alleviation of fuel poverty and promote renewable energy schemes.

Cost of Living is an Asda Foundation grant for local groups aimed at supporting the increased running costs group are facing as a result of the crisis. This grant aims to support groups with rent, utility and essential costs, as well as funding to strengthen their volunteering.There are three options within this grant. Groups must be clear from the outset which option they intend to apply for (you can apply for a combination):1. Rent and Utilities: Funding to help with rent and/or utility bills.2. Volunteer Support: Funding to support volunteer costs enabling them to continue supporting their groups and communities.3. Food and Essentials Costs: Additional food and essential costs due to the cost of living crisis.

Funding Scotland