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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland
Funds projects and initiatives that support the rural regeneration and sustainability of communities within the Solwaybank Windfarm area and enhance the lives of those living and working in the area will be supported.Applications are welcomed that fall into the following categories:- Enhance the quality of life for local residents;- Contribute to vibrant, healthy, successful and sustainable communities;- Promote community spirit and encourage community activity.Priority will be given to projects which can demonstrate:- Local consultation – evidence that the local community has been consulted and is supportive of the project;- Strategic projects – with longer term impacts and benefits;- Partnership working – working with other organisations (e.g. voluntary, local, regional or national) to add value to a project.- Local procurement – using local suppliers and providers for goods and services, where possible.- Environmental considerations – consideration of the project’s carbon footprint and minimising the environmental impact.Match funding of at least 10% of the project cost will normally be required, but projects with more match funding to add to the value of the project and maximise the Community Benefit funding are preferred.

The Robin Rigg Community Fund is available to community groups and organisations in the Solway area undertaking activities that contribute to the reduction of the effects of climate change or otherwise benefit the local community.Projects should support and promote the following causes:- Environmental- Renewable energy- Energy efficiency- Sustainable development- Charitable- Educational- Community- General community amenity schemes or projects

The Gannochy Trust Youth Panel Fund awards grants to registered charities for work in Perth and Kinross, that deliver the outcomes that the Youth Panel aims to achieve with its funding: Youth Activity, Voice, and Health & Wellbeing.Youth Activity- Providing groups of young people with the opportunity to experience travel and new environments (Care experienced young people need not travel as part of a group)- Providing a safe place for young people to meet and socialise- Opportunities for young people to explore music and/or art- Activity that delivers positive environmental changeYouth Voice - Empowering young people and ensuring that their voices are heard- Supporting youth leadership in local communitiesYouth Health and Wellbeing- Provision of free or affordable meals- Development of independent living skills- Activity that is focused on improving mental health- Improved access to the outdoors

Large Grants focuses on work that addresses the impacts of poverty and trauma under one or more of the following themes: - Financial security- Education pathways- Work pathways- Relationships (this pathway will launch later in the year).They seek to fund work that: meets people's immediate needs, provides earlier help, tests new approaches or does more of what work, and is universal or targeted. See website for details of target groups.

The fund supports a broad range of community activity and development by supporting the charitable activities of community, not-for-profit groups.Six community councils are eligible for funding through the CREPL Community Fund: Cree Valley; Kirkcowan; New Luce; Port William; Stoneykirk; Old Luce.Payments are made directly to Community Councils, or similar organisations, to use or distribute to active groups in their communities. Old Luce funds are transferred to the Old Luce Community Fund to be distributed through the open grantmaking process.

SPAR Community Cashback

Currently Closed
Grants are available for local voluntary or community organisations and charities working in communities across the UK. All applicants need to do is share the exceptional contribution that a local organisation has made to their community and what the grant would be put towards.Previous grantees have included blood bikes, air ambulance, support groups for people with disabilities, and support for care leavers.

This Youth-Led Grant Programme is designed to give children and young people with care experience the opportunity to say what matters to them and for them to decide what change needs to happen in their communities to make them feel loved, safe and respected. The programme aligns with "The Promise Scotland's Plan 24-30," by focusing on voice, and enhancing the well-being and opportunities for children and young people with care experience.The purpose of this programme is to facilitate and support children and young people with care experience in their community put their ideas into action and make change happen. The one-off grant will be split, a £50,000 “grant pot” to enable the ideas developed by children and young people with care experience to become a reality. The remaining £25,000 to support delivery costs such as payments for participation, applicant staffing and resources.The “grant pot” allocated should support projects that matter most to the care community. This can be one idea, or several depending on what has been identified with children and young people. Final decisions on which projects/activities will be funded must be made by children and young people, guided by the appropriate links in the relevant ‘host’ organisation. These may include things like:- Improving community/statutory spaces and facilities.- Enhancing services and resources for care-experienced young people.- Foster inclusion and participation in community activities.- Designing and delivering events to raise awareness and challenge stigma.As this is a youth led approach successful applicants are expected to have ongoing open and trusting relationships with children and young people with care experience. Previous experience of supporting community led grant decision making would be beneficial.

The purpose of the University of Edinburgh Community Grants Scheme is to:- Bring value to new or existing partnerships between the University and local communities.- Have a positive social impact by contributing to one or more of these United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): - 1 No Poverty- 3 Good Health and Wellbeing- 4 Quality Education- 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth- 10 Reduced Inequalities- 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities.

National Outcomes – more than a nice graphic?

Whether that’s a village hall at the heart of its community or a homelessness charity, a grassroots football

Funding Scotland