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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Review of Section 5 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001

This research was undertaken by Craigforth for the Scottish Government in order to to inform the Government's

Equal opportunities and the Scottish Parliament: a progress review

order to contribute to understanding of the progress made by the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government,This review focuses on the situation in relation to health, education, local government and transport

Housing, Race and Community Cohesion

Report looking critically at government policies on 'race', 'equality' and community cohesion, from the,It argues that there is a gap between what government says should be done, and the realities and practicalities

Evaluation of participatory budgeting activity in Scotland 2016-2018

output of an evaluation of Participatory Budgeting activity in Scotland commissioned by the Scottish Government,The specific areas of focus for the evaluation, as determined by the Scottish Government, were the identifiable,funder/beneficiary relationship) , Transference (closer involvement of community members in the governance,for those who are vulnerable or marginalised. work towards cultural change at all levels of local government

The purpose of the Access to Music Making fund is to create access to high-quality music making opportunities outwith school time for children and young people aged 0 to 25 years (or, aged over 25 if they are disabled, care experienced and/or have been a young carer).The aims of the fund are to:- Create access to high-quality music making opportunities for children and young peopleaged 0-25 years, particularly for those that would not normally have the chance toparticipate- Enable children and young people to achieve their potential in or through music making- Support the development of the youth music sector for the benefit of children and youngpeople There is one mandatory outcome of the fund: Children and young people must develop their music and music-making skills. In addition, applicants must select a further two outcomes which you intend to deliver through your project. Full details are available in the fund guidance notes which can be downloaded from the Creative Scotland website.

Under this programme, the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust will award grants on behalf of the MOD’s Armed Forces Families Fund Early Years Programme, towards projects lasting up to two years, which help enhance early childhood education and childcare settings to meet specific needs of young children from Armed Forces families.Your project must clearly benefit Armed Forces families with a child under 5 by enhancing their access to high quality childcare and will need to contribute towards at least one of these outcomes.- Increased capacity at the setting to allow more Service children to attend.- Better learning environments for Service children.- Have provided appropriate training and development to staff to support Service children.

The Employability Fund is being distributed by VASLan on behalf of UK Government and is funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The overall aim of the fund is to strengthen capacity of community-based employability support for individuals.For full guidance, visit the VASLan website.Your project should fit with one or more essential priorities:- People taking part in work experience programs. An example could be organisations supporting people in job-searching activities i.e. identifying volunteering options, any other work experience programs.- People engaged in job-searching following support, for example organizations supporting people in job-searching activities i.e. job clubs, identifying skills, writing CVs, identifying volunteering ortraining options.- People in employment, including self-employment, following support, i.e. when organisation is offering advice- how to find job and matching with current skills, advice or working in partnership on self-employment.- People in education/training in order to gain skills needed to employment in the future i.e. volunteers identifying education destination as a result of support during volunteering experience,staff in particular roles looking to enhance their skills in order to support individuals better.- People experiencing reduced structural barriers into employment and into skills provision, i.e. when organisation is helping with project like mentorship for people with low self- confidence and mental health barrier which previously stopped them from employment, supported employment options etc.

The Maths Week Scotland Grants Fund supports organisations, partnerships and charities to develop in-person events or digital activities for Maths Week Scotland 2024 which will have the theme ‘Maths Tales’ and will focus on areas such as the story of maths, maths history and the link between maths and literature. Successful applications will meet the overall aims of Maths Week Scotland which wants people of all ages and backgrounds to: • Be curious, enthusiastic, confident and engaged in numeracy and mathematics • Understand the relevance of maths learning and skills to their lives, now and in the future • Have access to a diverse range of events and activities promoting and demonstrating the joy and value of maths The fund will cover new activities, or the extension of activities your organisation has already developed or provided, on the provision they will be branded/adapted to tie in with Maths Week Scotland 2024. Ideally activity would take place during or near Maths Week Scotland 2024 (23-29th of September 2024) although this is not essential. Projects require to be completed by 31 December 2024.

The Climate Hub offers small grants to community groups for community engagement or seed funding for a community climate action project. The Fund is available to existing and emerging community groups who are members of the Highlands and Islands Climate Hub. They will prioritise projects which: - Aim to create long-term change.- Build the skills and capacity of groups or organisations and communities. - Support and encourage collaborative working across groups or organisations, communities and areas.- Encourage sustainability through reusing, recycling and upcycling goods and products. - Encourage climate action and a just transition- Mitigate climate change, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce environmental impact- Help communities adapt to and build resilience to climate change- Protect or enhance local biodiversity through conservation and promotion

Shumpeter comes to Whitehall - a discussion paper

To address the perilous state of our public finances, the UK Government has begun the task of significantly,to consider how Government should approach the cuts in ways that prompt innovation.

Funding Scotland