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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Help shape SCVO’s response to the Scottish Government's Community Wealth Building Bill Consultation 

institutions such as hospitals, universities and local government, who can exert influence through their procurement,and assets that focus on service to the public over profit maximization and linking them to the procurement,Community Wealth Building touches upon SCVO’s existing work on procurement, fair funding, the living

Growing Climate Confidence: what we've learnt

It’s been a year since we launched our Growing Climate Confidence project. In the spirit of open working I’m sharing some reflections on what we’ve learned, and what we will be doing next. If you don’t have time for whole article here are the key messages: We know most voluntary...

SCVO response to Becoming a Fair Work Nation consultation

Procurement ensure cross-sector partnership of the voluntary, public, and private sectors, is central,to new commissioning and procurement models.develop and agree to appropriate minimum contract standards,National standards for commissioning and procurement will, however, only be effective if accompanied,by changes in culture and practice of commissioning and procurement bodies.,Social Enterprise Second challenge: Scotland’s approach to commissioning and procurement We need a procurement

Buying a better economy

Ken McIntosh MSP argues why the procurement bill can still ensure the creation of a moral economy for

Guide to low-cost digital

These have been set up to allow public sector organisations to procure a large number of quality devices

Maximising the local impact of anchor institutions: a case study of Leeds City Region

. • Local procurement – understand organisational spend, what impact it has and how supply chains are,targets and a timetable for redirecting spend to competitive local suppliers alongside organising procurement,processes and contracts to enable smaller, local organisations to bid. • Social procurement – adopt,‘good jobs’ into procurement and commissioning frameworks, sending collective market signals relating

The third sector delivering public services: an evidence review

research, published between 2004 and 2010 on the themes of public service delivery, commissioning and procurement,The review examines four themes developed from the literature: emerging commissioning and procurement

Purchasing from the Third Sector in Scotland

Each year local authorities in Scotland procure over Å“5.4bn of supplies, works, and services.,Based on a sample of councils, this report examines the level and pattern of procurement from Third Sector

Programme for Government proposal 2024/25: Transparent voluntary sector funding

Summary of proposals Our proposals for the 2024/2025 Programme for Government cover two areas: Delivering Fair Funding by 2026 Transparent funding This paper focuses on transparent funding which is essential for everyone’s understanding of Scottish Government’s investment in the...

Business Resilience Survey 2018

providers are doing based on a series of measures relating to general levels of optimism, finance, procurement,More than half of respondents (53%) said that they had chosen to not engage with a procurement process

Funding Scotland