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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland
Partnership Fund is open to applications from third-sector organisations delivering strategic outcomes with national impact for Scotland’s historic environment or the Scottish historic environment sector.You must have a track-record of making a significant contribution to HES Grants Priorities and address a clear and demonstrable need or opportunity for Scotland’s historic environment sector which is not being met by other organisations.

The Trust wants to support pilot projects or new approaches that will support and improve the lives of specific communities of Veterans who have been negatively impacted by issues in relation to their Service. For projects lasting 12-18 months for grants between £50,000 and £100,000, you will need to achieve at least one of the programme outcomes. Grants up to £300,000 for projects which take place over three-four years are required to meet all following outcomes:- Veterans’ experiences are acknowledged and understood, enabling them to positively progress on their recovery journey.- Veterans’ isolation will be reduced and quality of life improved, through gaining access to effective support.- Veterans can build a positive connection with the wider Armed Forces community and access support in the future, should they wish or be able to access other support mechanisms that are most relevant to them.

This programme offers grants up to £50,000 for one year projects or £100,000 for two year projects designed to tackle the underlying issues unique to serving women, providing improved access to support for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.The Trust wants to support projects that help towards enabling serving women to make informed choices and improve their access to services that enhance their wellbeing. Your project will be expected to meet one of the following outcomes:- Enabling Service women to choose activities and/or find advice that improves their wellbeing, either preventatively or at times of crisis.- Opening up choices for Service women who may not otherwise know where to seek help for issues which specifically affect them.

The Cairngorms Community-Led Vision Fund will support the previous work of the LEADER and CLLD programmes throughout Rural Scotland. The fund aims are to deliver inclusive community-based activity to meet one or more of the Scottish Government priorities of:- Helping families and services through the cost-of-living crisis- Eradicating child poverty- Transforming the economy to deliver net zero - Creating sustainable public servicesGrants will be targeted towards activities or infrastructure that support one or more of the following priorities: - Build community capacity to facilitate and support local development - Help the economy of the Park to deliver Net Zero by supporting communities and existing businesses (priority theme) - Attract, support and retain young people in the National Park - Increase community service provision in the National Park (priority theme)- Cultural Heritage and Recreation - Creating a Well-Being economyProjects could be completely new activity or capital items; or can be additional activity by existing projects. Where possible projects will be encouraged to work in partnership with others to deliver their projects.

The Supporting Partners programme provides funding to projects that will improve support for Service partners and spouses regarding the skills and experiences they bring to the workplace. Projects should have a positive, lasting impact for partners of Serving Personnel or Reservists based in the UK or overseas.Your project will need to show that it will improve access to support, and will celebrate the skills and experiences spouses and partners bring to the workplace.Your project must meet one of the following aims.- Enable partners to access knowledge and information that’s relevant to employment opportunities.- Improve access to education, training, and qualifications for partners.- Communicate the skills and experiences that partners are able to bring to the workplace.Project ideas should be hands on, impactful and targeted. You could explore ways of upskilling partners of Serving Personnel or Reservists through training, education and qualifications. Your projects might support partners to access paid employment, by finding ways to connect more partners to existing support.

Grants towards projects that assist in the development of new build projects that will offer high quality support for veterans with a housing need.You can apply to this programme if:- Your project is at an early stage of development; they will only fund activities up to and including stage four of the RIBA Plan of Work; and- You require funding for professional support costs such as architects, qualified construction project managers or quantity surveyors to develop detailed building plans and cost assessments for projects that would provide additional capacity in services for Veterans who are at risk of homelessness. Your application should demonstrate how your project will:- contribute to the aims of the Veterans’ Strategy’s ambition to end Veteran Homelessness by 2023- deliver sustainable, veteran affordable and support housing and ensure veterans have access to good quality housing, including housing at affordable rents, that meets their needs.You should demonstrate how your development project aims to develop a viable and well-planned future larger scale capital project.Visit the Trust website for full programme guidance notes.

The Embedding Prevention of Veteran Suicide programme supports projects which help to enable systemic change and long-term, sustainable impact, incorporating key findings from the Trust’s One is Too Many programme.They want to support projects that aim to enable systemic change and long-term, sustainable impact, incorporating key findings from our ‘One is Too Many’ programme.Your project will need to address one of the three key outcomes:- To support staff who work with vulnerable beneficiaries- Address mental health wellbeing, help seeking, and stigma within the Armed Forces community- To address the needs of under-represented groups

The Community Choices Small Grants programme offers community groups the opportunity to suggest project and activity ideas they want to make happen and to receive public funds in their ward to do it.The programme supports groups with a project idea that will make a difference to people living in the Falkirk area. Examples of successful projects range from a local youth theatre to a dementia support group; local youth organisations, a mental health support charity and numerous local sports clubs.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) volunteering - third sector perspectives

This report presents the results of a survey undertaken by Scottish Government in collaboration with,The Scottish Government and Volunteer Scotland are reviewing all the findings from the survey.,direct next step, findings will be used to help inform and shape the development of the Scottish Government’s

Evaluation of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust Activity in Scotland

It is funded in Scotland by the Scottish Government and is the only organisation dedicated solely to,stakeholder interviews with CRT staff and trustees; representatives from Local Government, Community

Funding Scotland