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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Free seminars on employment law and charity tax and trading

nature and level of trading activity charities can do, and there are also various financial and governance,along to hear about when a charity can, and cannot, trade, the various legal structures available, governance

Gather round & I’ll tell you all about SCVO's top two info service enquiries...

But the top two topics are the same year in and year out…Governance and Funding.,Not surprising really, good governance is essential to any effective voluntary organisation, and of course,Code for the Third Sector’s five core principles and the key elements of good governance.,We’ll be using SCVO’s Good Governance Checkup to show how you can evidence and demonstrate good governance,There’s more on governance with OSCR exploring The tools for good governance and there’s financial sessions

Business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic

The UK Government have announced today that they are moving to daily briefings, which will help keep

Digital ‘Gathering’ Momentum

digital’ and its benefits the past few years across an already busy voluntary sector landscape of governance

What does the National Performance Framework mean to the voluntary sector?

then, it has been presented as a performance framework for all of Scotland and not just for the government,This February, ESS, SCVO and the Scottish Government are coming together to host an interactive workshop

Budget delays and impact on the voluntary sector

When the Scottish Government announced in November 2019 that the budget would be postponed, due to the,will likely cause significant challenges for organisations who receive annual funding from the Government,We have therefore been engaging with the Scottish Government and COSLA to seek assurance that steps will,Before Christmas, we wrote to Aileen Campbell, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government,Local Government has emphasised this to her cabinet colleagues.

Public Health Scotland - SCVO response to Scottish Government

02 July 2019 Public-Health-Scotland-Scottish-Government-SCVO-Response-June-2019Download Our position,Governance of the new Public Health Scotland body needs to model a transparent, accountable and participative,Our response SCVO welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s Public Health Scotland,Work with the Scottish Open Government Action Plan principles and framework to secure transparency and,approach to governance, and wider participation in governance out with the Public Health Body board.

What’s your problem?

The statement above was the statement that opened the ‘Scottish Government service design champion training,The Scottish Government, over the last two years has being working the public sector and developed the

Scotland’s public bank with a public purpose

organisations that are committed to contributing to the Bank's missions, which will be aligned to Scottish Government,Finally, a thanks to the Scottish Government.

Scottish National Investment Bank Bill Stage 3

The National Investment Bank will be one of the many drivers the Scottish Government has at its disposal,Parliament expects the Bank to assume within the financial sector, as outlined in the Scottish Government’s

Funding Scotland