We are in discussions with local government about more meaningful partnerships at a national and local,We also continue to work hard on the problems there are with European funding
and influencing UK government,We do that through providing fundamental services such as payroll, recruitment, IT and governance advice,work on social security and our portfolio of learning offers, our influencing role with Scottish Government,and the Parliament as well as UK Government and local government.
SCVO response to Scottish Government 04 December 2019 FOI extension of coverage consultation Scottish,Government SCVO ResponseDownload Our position SCVO champions the importance of transparency within Scotland,We question the robustness of the Scottish Government’s engagement with the voluntary sector to date,The Scottish Government should give greater weight to talking and listening to people and organisations,The
Scottish Government committed to engage with the voluntary sector, and the
health and social care
together people with lived experience of human rights issues, civil society
organisations, government,voluntary sector, a criticism was the variable commitment from duty bearers,
including the Scottish Government,It is unthinkable that the ambitions of SNAP 2 can be realised without the
full commitment of government,This plan requires the fullest of commitment from all sectors,
including government, to realise the real
November 2018 saw the launch of the new Scottish Governance Code for the Third
Sector and my New Year,Disappointingly so many responses reveal that trustees are either unfamiliar with their governing document,Your governing document should also
clearly set out how you govern and make decisions.,So this is a call to get fit to govern in 2019 and give your
constitution a work out.
coordination of Scotland’s SDG Network, earlier this year we secured a commitment from the Scottish Government,Canada to present to a global conference on SCVO’s approach to open collaboration with the Scottish Government,That’s been true of coordinating SCVO’s response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on Freedom,consultation that came close to slipping under the radar with very little engagement with the sector from government
Last month, visitors to this site may have enjoyed a blog about the journey SCVO has been on to create a digitally confident third sector in Scotland by my colleague and Head of Digital, Sally Dyson. As a Digital Participation Officer, a large part of my role is to support...