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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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The resources, training and opportunities available to members, together with the wealth of news and,Cancer Support Scotland We talked to Stephanie Quigley, service manager with Cancer Support Scotland,All the services provided by our charity are free and are continually evolving, developing to meet the,during the pandemic, we expanded to digital platforms for our wellbeing services adding digital and,Therefore, our biggest challenge now is meeting the demands on our free wellbeing services.

The Law

During 2025/26, new legal responsibilities around employment law, charity law, safeguarding and controlled,into force in future years. Planning prompts Sources of support The SCVO HR,service provides expert advice on HR issues and employment law To keep up to date with changes in charity,law, check the SCVO Information Service Keep up to date with changes in Disclosure on the Volunteer

More information

law as well as a conciliation service.,They also provide an automated advice service which can provide more tailored advice for your enquiry,(CIPD) The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) is the world’s largest Chartered HR,While membership based, they provide good online HR resources including a number of standard HR policies,provides legal updates, advice and the standard Codes of Practice for equal pay, employment and services

Guide to providing references

has contracted to do so, or if the employee is performing controlled functions in the financial services,and references Key points An employer is under no obligation to obtain a reference for a potential new,expressly or by implication, or if the employee is performing controlled functions in the financial services

Support & learning

Setting up a charity What to consider when setting up a new voluntary organisation, including legal structures,of it as an option, our guide is here to help you with the process Digital How to deliver digital services,, tackle digital exclusion and develop digital skills HR information & resources Information, tools and,templates to help you manage your HR and employee relations including recruitment, benefits, culture,to provide practical help and information which caters specifically to board members Information Service

Guide to student placements

importance of this role is sometimes reflected in Codes of Practice e.g., Code of Practice for Social Service,services.Working with students can also contribute to the development of a learning culture; students have new

SCVO's HR Service: Two years on

SCVO’s HR Service first launched back in 2020 with funding from the National Lottery Community Fund Scotland,This is why I’m so proud of the HR service and the support we’ve offered every day since re-launching,Our experience in the HR service tells us that short-term funding, job insecurity, the pressure to deliver,The formal policies still have their place of course, but we are very supportive of finding new ways,As we look ahead to 2025, SCVO’s HR Service team remains committed to supporting our subscribers through

What SCVO has done

Scottish Government regarding the impact of the pandemic on CJS funding Joined with TSEF to set up a new,We: harnessed our Funding Scotland portal and networks to share news of funding opportunities claimed,job retention scheme on behalf of our payroll clients switched to publishing our monthly Third Force News,claimssupported employers advertising through Goodmoves on how to recruit quality candidates remotelylaunched an HR,pandemic and support best HR practice across the voluntary sector.

Meet the #EssentialSector campaign contributors

Run mostly by volunteers, the Hub works with others to run their groups and services including toddler,They provide a base for community organisations delivering vital services: Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis,The Hub continues to grow and attract new people, offering a space where people feel a sense of belonging,by the Highland Council to provide an independent, rights-based, information, advice and support service,They help people to connect with others, build new friendships, boost confidence, and help build new

You're a charity! What next?

What you do next depends on what kind of services you're providing, who you're working with and what,of support to help you develop a great board, including: Guidance to help you you recruit and train new,on what your board needs to doTemplates, model policies and moreOur Trustee Network, for the latest news,networking Employing staff and creating a healthy workplace culture Our comprehensive guidance on all things HR,staff on, understand your responsibilities and work towards a healthy and effective workplace culture: HR