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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

However, like other voluntary sector organisations, the coronavirus pandemic forced us to adapt our plans,We worked with Scottish Government and independent grant-makers to create a Coronavirus Funding Hub offering,funding to the voluntary sector through our new Coronavirus Funding Hubpartnered in the development,and delivery of a £50 million Wellbeing Fund (small and large grants) and £45 million Communities and,We replaced annual appraisals with informal wellbeing check-ins to reflect the wellbeing challenges that

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

were able to benefit from more accessible and flexible funding support.,SCVO distributed almost £18million of crucial funds during 2021/22, providing a lifeline to organisations,Community navigators supported people to develop wellbeing plans, connecting them to activities in their,community and connecting them to technology to enhance support for health and wellbeing.,work throughout the changing coronavirus restrictions.

Charities invited to apply to £50m fund

The Wellbeing Fund aims to assist third sector organisations working with people impacted by the coronavirus

Vital coronavirus fund re-opens for applications

Those who missed out on initial funding from the Wellbeing Fund are invited to apply, with more than

Coronavirus and Scotland Follow up, Scottish Affairs Select Committee - response from SCVO

UK government support Voluntary organisations in Scotland made use of the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme,three large proactive and reactive funds: The Third Sector Resilience Fund (TSRF), the Wellbeing Fund,The fund supported organisations that already delivered services and products but found themselves in,These emergency wellbeing funds supported a range of actions including co-ordination of food and grocery,support, alleviating mental health and wellbeing issues, changes to enable remote working, and a shift

£8m boost for wellbeing projects across Scotland

More than 300 organisations across the country are delivering vital support to help communities cope

£500k in emergency funding handed out

Organisations from across Scotland have already benefited from emergency coronavirus funding

Crisis grants total passes £1m

Foundation Scotland has distributed over £1m to more than 260 groups since launching its new coronavirus,emergency fund

More than 500 charities gain emergency funding

The Response, Recovery and Resilience Fund gives small grants to vital projects supporting the community

New community impact fund for Scotland launched

Grants are available to charities and community groups that deliver social prescribing and community wellbeing