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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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What SCVO has done

voluntary sector in supporting Scottish people and communities. ,We: created the Coronavirus Hub updated with information and resources on areas including funding, running,voluntary sector pre-coronavirus Hosted a range of practical and discursive webinars for hundreds of,Service to help voluntary organisations manage the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and support best,HR practice across the voluntary sector.

Best practice for funders

Collaboration Take a look at our briefing paper on funding, the voluntary sector and coronavirus for,information about our work with funders to share information around the development and deployment of funds,to support resilience, and planning for response and recovery.,Sharing this information will allow SCVO to produce research on coronavirus and its impact on the voluntary,sector, such as our report from June 2020 or our review from September 2020.

What we've learned so far

 practical support to keep people safe in the community.,However, the voluntary sector has been hit hard by coronavirus., pandemic, including the latest funding available to the sector, in our Coronavirus Third Sector Information,Research SCVO – Coronavirus and its impact on the Scottish voluntary sector – what do we know so far?, – State of the Sector SCVO - Coronavirus and its impact on the Scottish voluntary sector - a review

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

However, like other voluntary sector organisations, the coronavirus pandemic forced us to adapt our plans,v=UlooStgKZG0 Information, resources and support We created an online Coronavirus Third Sector Information,We produced quarterly reports looking at the impact of the coronavirus on the voluntary sector in Scotland,funding to the voluntary sector through our new Coronavirus Funding Hubpartnered in the development,the coronavirus pandemic and to support HR best practice across the voluntary sector.

Coronavirus Third Sector Information Hub

now part of our main website: HR and employment Digital support Finding funding Events Celebrating the,Coronavirus Information Hub The info hub was launched in March 2020, as a ‘single source of truth’ for,the voluntary sector.,Other key topics were coronavirus restrictions (10% of traffic), employee support (10% of traffic) and,sector is now and in the future.

Top tips for businesses to support #NeverMoreNeeded

At a time when charities are Never More Needed, they are facing a significant funding gap.,Traditional funding streams such as events have been cancelled and lockdown has seen charity shops close,Scottish society needs a thriving voluntary sector to support people when they need it most and so do,your organisation is a funder, take a look at SCVO’s guide to best practise for funders during Coronavirus,Corporate volunteers can donate their time to help manage, shape and guide charities through the coronavirus


There are around 138,000 paid staff in the third sector in Scotland.

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

for the voluntary sector we were there for voluntary organisations across Scotland, amplifying our support,HR We supported approximately 500 voluntary sector organisations with their HR issues throughout 2021,The UK Community Renewal Fund SCVO secured funding to create 30 six-month voluntary sector work experience,Political agendas influenced by SCVO Fairer funding for the voluntary sector Levelling Up Successors,This have continued to support, promote and develop the voluntary sector in Scotland.

Charities invited to apply to £50m fund

The Wellbeing Fund aims to assist third sector organisations working with people impacted by the coronavirus