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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Trustees' Week 2021

Trustees' Week (1-5 November 2021) is an annual event to showcase the great work trustees do, celebrate,Trustees' Week is about celebrating your passion and commitment by sharing your stories and different,You can find out more about Trustees Week online or @TrusteesWeek #TrusteesWeek on Twitter.,the support of CCLA Investment Management SCVO is hosting lots of great free events throughout the week,launch of a special offer for Trustees Week 2021 where voluntary organisations in Scotland can advertise

Victoria and Albert Halls (Ballater) Trust

I'm the chair of the of the Trust - there are currently ten trustees and two vacancies at the moment.,The trustees have a broad range of experience looking after construction and electrical - installations,Recently we appointed a trustee as Convenor for Environment and Sustainability who wrote the environment,What's a typical week like?,when the village had no power for five days, no mobile phones, nothing as a result of Storm Arwen in 2021

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

Our digital team has hosted 40 free #DigiShift webinars and six Cyber Scotland Week events for hundreds,This meant that overall, by March 2021, we'd created over 9,800 CJS jobs.,We also delivered five events in Trustees Week and launching a new Trustees Network sponsored by Aberdeen,In line with this, our overarching priorities for 2021/22 are: To progress a safe return to the workplace,benefits package for launch in April 2021.

Scottish Charity Awards winners 2022

The trail brought colour, excitement and enthusiasm to North Berwick in the summer of 2021, and visitors,Coatbridge Citizens Advice Bureau For the past 20 years, Nan Fotheringham has dedicated two days a week,Trustee of the Year- Ian Monteague, FARE Scotland Ian Monteague, FARE’s chairperson, has been involved,Ian has time for everyone – his commitment and determination has helped lead the trustees at a strategic,But in 2021, thanks to their "Save our Zoos" campaign, the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s family

TFN's October edition is out now - read it here!

Magazine has a focus on Cop26

How to check where you're at on your journey to good governance

Governance Checkup with support from CCLA to bring the five principles of the Code to life and show trustees,You can share your results with other trustees, so why not use the Checkup as a part of a collective,That way all your trustees can explore how your board measures up to the five key principles of the Code

Kids Company: What lessons can we learn?

The Kids Company case gives us lots to discuss, not least on the role and responsibilities of trustees,This is a theme we explored during Trustees Week 2021 when SCVO ran a number of webinars on board recruitment,and diversity and also highlighted Reach Volunteering’s excellent Trustee Recruitment Cycle.,’t do, so your new and existing trustees can play a full part in decision making.,trustees and our sample Trustee induction checklist which you can use to prepare your own induction

New report reveals rising trust in Scottish charities

Data from OSCR has given an insight into Scotland’s charity sector

Council-run charity being scrutinised by auditors

A new report by by Audit Scotland says that it is still not operating the way it should.