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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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House We talked to Colin Leslie, communications and marketing manager at Leuchie House who told us all about,Our neuro-experienced team provides Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, enabling technology, activities,It meant a lot to a small independent charity like Leuchie, and underlined the fantastic job our team,All the staff at Cancer Support Scotland take advantage of the wonderful training opportunities available,One of our membership team members will help you as quickly as we can.

HR service

employment reviewing and developing employment policies recruitment issues and recruiting for the first time team,Sign in About the service The SCVO HR Service supports you with your HR needs.,Our resources include everything you need from recruiting your first member of staff, to developing your,Our 1-to-1 advice service subscription lets you speak to one of our team who really understand your challenges,Meet the team Caroline Christie Hello!


Our staff, where possible, are working from home.,Customers and clients of our services will get regular updates from individual services and teams about,Find out more about how to contact SCVO teams

Enable your staff to work from home

You should be thinking about how your staff will work at home and you will need to provide any equipment,staff to complete a workstation self-assessment and act on any issues raised Hardware Your team should,A basic Windows laptop or Chromebook can start from about £250-300.,This is about half the cost of a similar machine on the high street.,Kitting out a whole team with new hardware can be expensive - but forcing your team to work on unsuitable

Tools for keeping in touch

Emails Hopefully your staff already understand good email practice but it can be useful to reiterate,Useful guidance can include Use helpful subject lines so recipients immediately know what the email is about,with discussions Users can tag specific people they want/need a response from Easier for part-time staff,, or staff on leave, to get an overview of what has been happening when they return to work Team members,rather than attachments, which helps your team work more effectively Ensures key team conversations don

Supporting your people while working remotely

Your team will need support to adapt to new ways of working.,This can mean you miss cues about how your team are doing.,Encourage teams and colleagues to check in regularly - Slack and Microsoft Teams are useful for this.,If any staff are not in a team, ensure they are linked up with some colleagues so they don’t feel isolated,Promote staff wellbeing You have a responsibility for the health and safety of your staff in your workplace

Mental health & wellbeing

This will give everyone an opportunity to talk about how they’re feeling about work and more generally,, and meeting with your team virtually can make it more difficult to spot when someone in your team is,Tesco, for example have created a guide focusing on menopause, for all staff.,You can find out more on their website.Mind – Taking Care of Your Staff.,the mental health and wellbeing of staff members

Creating the culture

They make sure the senior management team understand and support digital inclusion work.,Get buy-in from staff and volunteers Concerns about losing the human touch or increasing vulnerability,Celebrate and share Shout about your quick wins.,It’s just that shift in getting everybody to think about digital as their responsibility.”Louise Orr,,Team Leader, Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface

Two examples of how organisations used data to improve their effectiveness

segmenting to track and improve user engagement An environmental charity wanted to understand more about,Their learning and testing gave them the following insights: Their list performance was about average,This made it easier for team members to quickly log their call details.,This helped them tweak their staff rota and update their staff knowledge base for in-depth topics.Alongside,analysing the data from their calls, the charity started a ‘New Topic of the Week’ Teams Thread, where

Evaluating success

tips Regularly review the analytics Be prepared to stop if it isn’t working Hear what your users and team,Equally important is hearing from your users, and your team, about their experience of using the service,This lets your team and users try out a new piece of tech or approach and give honest feedback about,You can then make a decision about whether to continue or change direction.,hearing more negative comments, or seeing limited usage you might need to offering more support to staff