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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Blackbaud ransomware attack – what should charities do next?

Alison Stone gives advice for organisations who may be worried by the recent cyber attack on the major

10 no-cost, high impact digital changes you can make today

Both Microsoft and Google offer very capable basic versions free to charities.,Moving lots of activity and services online means that we are more vulnerable to cyber attack. ,Taking the first basic steps to improving your cyber security is much easier than you think, and it will,protect you against the most common threats.,I wrote this blog).

Cyber Security - a how to guide

your systems, and securing them against cyber attack.,There is a good guide to protection against phishing in the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) Small,Your staff need to be aware of the cyber risks to your organisation and their role in protecting you.,NCSC Cyber Essentials self-assessment scheme helps you to guard against the most common cyber threats,Cyber security is a lot like fire safety planning. You need strategies to protect your assets!

The continued journey of a Cyber Resilience Co-ordinator, now aged 3.5 months…

In my last blog I described how I had spent a large amount of my first few weeks trying to get to grips,Cyber Essentials is like a MOT for your car – it confirms that your IT systems have passed a key set,of technical standards which focus on improving your organisations’ protection against the most common,types of cyber-attack.,Cyber resilience is of vital importance to all charities and the attitude of “when, not if” should be