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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

What are Essential Digital Skills?

14:00-14:45, 24 July 2023
This event took place about 1 year ago
Jason Railton

Essential Digital Skills - we all have them, right?

Not necessarily. 800,000 people in Scotland currently lack digital skills, and as technology advances and adapts, more are at risk of being left behind. If you'd like to gain an understanding of what the Essential Digital Skills for Life are, join us for a 45-minute tour through what that means and how we use them in our everyday life.

Our webinar will show you how you can use the Essential Digital Skills Framework and our very own check-up tool to support learners to upskill and make sure that they're ready for the future!

This webinar is part of a series of bitesize events to help strengthen your knowledge and capacity in digital inclusion.

Overall aim

This webinar will look at:

  • What are the five Essential Digital Skills for Life?
  • How do the five Essential Digital Skills apply to everyday life?
  • How can we support people to boost and measure their Essential Digital Skills?

Join Digital Inclusion Development Officer Jason Railton for a deep-dive into the five Essential Digital Skills and what that means in real life. Over the 45 minutes, we'll be investigating the Essential Digital Skills Framework, what that means 'in real life', the tools that you can use to support learners and have a think about how we can customise the Framework to meet the need of our own learners.

Learn from our experience, and the experience of our partner organisations, some best practice ways to apply the Essential Digital Skills to your digital inclusion work.

Who was the event aimed at?

This event is aimed at anyone working in digital inclusion that's interested in learning more about the Essential Digital Skills framework. We'd recommend this webinar for people that:

  • Aren't too sure what Essential Digital Skills for Life are
  • Want to help upskill people who have low digital skills
  • Are interested in learning how they can use the Framework to measure and evaluate success
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