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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Digital training for RS Macdonald supported organisations

organisation serves.This session will support you to:- free up time- enable teams to work faster- create a ‘data,training lead Maddie Stark has over 20 years’ experience of managing and delivering services in the third,sector and over 15 years of developing and delivering training in the third sector.,working sprung on us with the pandemic it was great to stop and consider what is and isn't working and think,about hitting the reset button to look at co-design and how to do things better.

Press coverage tips for charities

We recently hosted a #NeverMoreNeeded webinar with media pros from Third Force News, BBC Scotland's The,Nine and Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home to chat about what makes a good news story and how charities can better,Look at your data – what is your main supporter demographic?,channels they use/prefer (i.e. newspaper, Facebook, TikTok)Press is just one piece of the puzzle – think,about advertising, social media, events, emails How can charities make journalists aware of stories?

SCVO response to the inquiry into Public Administration – Effective Scottish Government decision-making (Finance & Public Administration Committee)

would be better, but I don’t think it is that.,outcomes, better policy and a better steer on where we want to go.,Case study of voluntary sector intermediaries, page 21 ‘Third sector organisations recognised that ‘better,Concern was expressed over how the Scottish Government viewed data submitted by third sector organisations,It is important that more events and activities of this nature are organised to explain how to engage

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

allowing us to identify where the sector is succeeding, and where it needs to do better. 10 good governance,It is used by many of Scotland’s Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) to manage their interactions with voluntary,The Gathering 2022 The Gathering, organised by SCVO, is the largest voluntary sector event in the UK.,With refreshed statistics on the size and shape of the sector, we have been able to better demonstrate,to influencers and decision-makers so that the sector’s contribution is better recognised and acknowledged

How to align your charity goals with like-minded corporates

Purpose is key to work-place satisfaction and the reason why people chose to work in the charity sector,Charities don’t have a monopoly on purpose though, staff across all sectors are motivated by the idea,they are making the world a better place.,think about charities.,experts from businesses to speak at the Gathering to explore how charities can work with businesses better

The Gathering 2023: a round-up

The third sector organisations that are here are the ones who shone through.”Following his address, SCVO,trustworthiness when we make use of AI, and how smaller organisations might make use of AI with low data,Also being able to attend educational sessions about different areas in the third sector""Seeing the,get everything right this year and that we have work to do to make future events even better.,their experience of the Gathering, there were three main areas where some delegates would like us to think

People, places and possibilities

Ella Simpson says Covid-19 has brutally exposed the systemic weaknesses which always existed in the third,sector

Scottish charities need to deliver more digital services

​Ross McCulloch says charities need to start thinking about how they can provide more digital services to improve people's lives

Connecting funders and charities – never more needed?

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought disruption, challenge and change in pretty much every aspect of our lives - and there’s little doubt funders have responded to meet the challenges.