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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Crisis fund enters new phase

Programme for Government proposal: Delivering Fair Funding by 2026

sector to secure the resilience and capacity it needs to support the transformation and delivery of person-centred,Annual funding challenges such as these distract from providing the services people and communities across,Inability, or unwillingness, to set clear criteria and stick to them. ,Fair Funding, multi-year funding and timely decisions, communications, and payments support by streamlined,Communicate funding intentions at least three months in advance and make payments no later than the first

Response to Finance and Public Administration pre-budget scrutiny: The sustainability of Scotland's finances

Wage uplifts in grants and contracts as part of expanding the Scottish Government’s Fair Work First criteria,Growing investment in the capacity and sustainability of voluntary organisations is proven to pull greater,for the long-term and build the internal capacity needed to leverage non-public financing from other,short term funding as a crisis that undermines resilience.,Wage uplifts in grants and contracts as part of expanding the Scottish Government’s Fair Work First criteria

Third sector groups urged to apply for funding

​New third sector funds is seeking applications from organisations

SCVO briefing to Scottish Parliament - Programme for Government 2022/23: Cost-of-living Debate

meet rising costs to stay opencan pay the Living Wage as part of the expansion of the Fair Work First criteria,timely communication and prompt payments of funds to prevent funding gaps and uncertainty.,To support a sustainable and resilient voluntary sector, organisations need the Scottish Government to,Fair Work First criteria.,For example, the wasted capacity of navigating funding applications and reporting processes annually.

Inquiry into the Scottish Government’s Public Service Reform programme - SCVO response

(April 2023)SCVO letter to the Cabinet Secretary on the implementation of Fair Work First criteria (,The public sector's investment in the voluntary sector supports the capacity and sustainability of voluntary,) and the Adult Learning and Empowering Communities Fund (ALEC).,, enabling the third sector to secure the resilience and capacity it needs to support the transformation,, and to promote community connection and resilience.

SCVO response to pre-budget scrutiny 2023/24: the sector's role in reducing inequalities & alleviating poverty

Last December, SCVO told the Social Justice and Social Security Committee that the resilience of Scotland,interventions to ensure the public and voluntary sectors can navigate this crisis and be part of a more resilient,Scottish Government’s plans to become a Fair Work Nation by 2025 and to extend the Fair Work First criteria,to engage with the Scottish Government to get clarity on what the extension of the Fair Work First criteria,, leads to vital capacity being wasted every year.

Leading funding during a crisis

Helen Wray details how Foundation Scotland has responded to Covid-19 this year, and reveals the lessons that will be taken into the future

SCVO response to the Finance & Public Administration Committee: Scotland's public finances in 2023-24 - the impact of the cost of living and public service reform

 timely communication and prompt payments of funds to prevent funding gaps and uncertainty transparent,To support a sustainable and resilient voluntary sector, organisations need the Scottish Government to,Work First criteria.,For example, the wasted capacity of navigating funding application and reporting processes annually.,to have limited capacity to source additional funding.

Easy money: is foundation giving the future of charity funding, or is it just a lottery?

Trusts and foundations are becoming ever more important in the face of drastic public spending cuts. TFN finds out how the sector is coping with demand.