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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Scotland's Digital Participation Charter Fund

We are no longer taking applications for Round 5 Introduction Scotland is already a digital nation.,Over the past three years, the Digital Participation Challenge Fund and Charter Fund have supported 126,projects across Scotland to get people online and develop basic digital skills.,Supported by the Scottish Government and BT, the new Digital Participation Charter Fund is now open for,There is a particular focus for the Fund to support organisations currently working to tackle poverty

Scotland's Digital Participation Challenge fund

Our Digital Participation Challenge Fund, supported by the Scottish Government, the ERDF and BT, invests,We are also working closely with organisations that have signed Scotland’s Digital Participation Charter,Participation Leadership Group made 33 direct offers of funding for digital participation projects.,Participation Charter.,Participation Charter.

The Digital Participation Charter Fund is back!

The Digital Participation Charter Fund was first launched 9 years ago in October 2014, but back then,We’ve learned a lot from the previous 8 rounds of the Digital Participation Charter Fund.,of the Digital Participation Charter Fund, Rounds 4 – 7 (Evaluated by The Lines Between).,What’s the Digital Participation Charter?,Find out more and apply to the Digital Participation Charter Fund.

SCVO digital delivery privacy notice

Who we are Digital Champion Training, Digital Checkup, DigiShift, Design Hops and the Senior Leaders,When you agree to engage with the SCVO Digital team on the Digital Charter, Digital Champion Training,We will use this data to offer your organisation support to develop in the areas of Digital Participation,For as long as you are receiving digital support from SCVO we may send you occasional ‘special’ digital,may use quotes from feedback for publicity and promotion, and to report to our funders (Big Lottery Fund

Designing your approach

By participating in this work your organisation is making huge strides towards meeting the 'partnership,' pledge of Scotland's Digital Inclusion Charter.,approach, where diverse stakeholders come together to co-produce solutions, is more robust against funding,co-production groups’, developing a working model within two sessions, and securing the appropriate funds,The individual organisations participating in your place-based initiative may be quite new to digital

The five challenges

digital skills.,An essential prerequisite to helping people build their digital skills and confidence is a digitally,Organisations across all sectors can help narrow the digital skills gap by including digital skills training,Evidence from the Digital Participation Charter Fund and other projects to build foundation and essential,skills and building a digitally confident workforce.

The Digital Participation Charter Fund invests in community digital inclusion projects across Scotland,organisations tackle poverty, social isolation and other forms of inequality in society through embedding digital,The fund will support projects which demonstrate an approach to embed digital upskilling in core services,employment, and/or- supporting people to make the most of the money they have by banking online or using digital,with social security maximisation.You can apply for costs related to the direct delivery of your digital

Funding boost for digital skills initiative

The Digital Participation Charter Fund is set to provide further support to organisations which tackle

Funding to help thousands of Scots get online

19 organisations from across the country are set to benefit from the latest round of the Digital Participation,Charter Fund

Fund to help charities get more Scots online

Scottish charities can do more to get themselves and others online