Here's the latest roundup of progress over the last fortnight. We've had a big push to get the minimum feature set in place, and by the end of the next fortnight we should be ready to open up a sandbox environment for a wider group of users to begin testing.
Done (technical):
- Implemented sign up by email
- Implemented editable profile pages for users
- Implemented up and down voting for content items
- Implemented on site alerts
- Set upĀ Google Analytics
- A whole bunch of UX and UI refinements
Done (non-technical):
- Initial content design / branding
- Product review and discussion with colleagues
- Concept introduction with some interested parties
- Further iteration of strategy template and business model canvas
- Map key user journeys to inform product development
- Set up admin panel to support next phase of testing
- Open sandbox environment and accounts for a small number of test users
Last modified on 23 January 2020