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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Beth Mukushi

Head of Support Services

Support Services
I head up SCVO's support services. We provide content, training and 1-2-1 support for voluntary organisations across Scotland.

Latest posts by Beth Mukushi

It’s been a year since we launched our Growing Climate Confidence project. In the spirit of open working I’m sharing some reflections on what we’ve learned, and what we will be doing next. If you don’t have time for whole article here are the key messages: We know most voluntary... Read more

What The Gathering is the biggest voluntary sector event in the UK. Over two days SCVO hosts 2000+ people with a programme of energising events and a bustling exhibition. It’s a chance to catch up with people, make new connections and hear about the latest thinking and action... Read more

In this blog, Beth Mukushi discusses the steps that can be taken to grow your climate confidence. Read more

Last week we announced the shortlist of organisations and individuals nominated for the Scottish Charity Awards 2023. To reach this point, a lot of work goes on behind the scenes. Read more

I’ve been involved in the voluntary sector for my whole life. I’ve benefited from services, I’ve raised money and I’ve been fortunate enough to build a career. I’ve also been involved in boards and management committees and became a trustee with the wonderful Paths for All in... Read more

Scotland is now ‘Beyond level 0’. The external rules that restricted face to face activity have more or less ended. But we know that many people still feel cautious. Organisations across the voluntary sector want to get the next few months right for employees, volunteers and the... Read more

Last Tuesday we heard the First Minister sounding more hopeful than she had in quite a while. I clicked off the briefing expecting to be able to see and hug my family and friends. I live in Glasgow and it feels like that hope was a wee bit misplaced- we’re now significantly more... Read more

Changing goalposts Responding to the coronavirus pandemic has left voluntary sector organisations to interpret operating guidance and how it applies to them and their services. It can feel like none of us have definitive answers, and the rate of change is fast and confusing. We... Read more

As lockdown eases, we are all having to take responsibility. The advice we are following is increasingly nuanced, and our personal feelings about risk and rules are being exposed. Some of us are happy to book holidays abroad and cross our fingers that they won’t be cancelled... Read more

We have all had to scramble over the past eight weeks. For many of us this has meant producing new content in a bit of a panic. There have been fantastic examples of content that meets a need. For example, I volunteered as a street champion. My local community group sent a... Read more