We know you’re out there…
Do you have a third sector hero that you know and admire? Someone who goes that extra mile and shows commitment and drive? I think we all do.
Well now’s your chance to shine a light on them, and give them the recognition they deserve by nominating them for a Scottish Charity Award !
The Awards highlight the best, most innovative and effective charity organisations and individuals, and celebrate those who make a difference in our communities. There are three separate categories for inspiring individuals who are transforming society, so there’s a chance for all to shine.
This category is for the exceptional trustee or board member who has worked tirelessly to make a significant difference to one or more organisations or causes. If you know someone like this, then tell us about their work and how they’ve given up their time, maybe over many years, or even a short period, to achieve something really remarkable.
This category is for the exceptional volunteer, supporter or a patron of an organisation who is unpaid and doesn’t sit on the board. They’ll have made a positive difference to your organisation, demonstrating outstanding dedication to your cause, and we want you to tell us about them. They’re the people who bring new ideas and energy, and a creative approach to finding solutions.
This category is where you can nominate a paid employee who has worked tirelessly to bring success to an organisation or cause. They could be a junior member of staff who beavers away in the background, or a retiring chief executive who has spent many years in the sector, whoever they are, we want to hear their story.
The Scottish Charity Awards are open to all types of voluntary organisations, including registered charities, social enterprises and campaigning groups. In all three individual categories the judges will be looking for examples of a range of challenges and activities, an innovative and influential approach, and evidence of outstanding dedication to a charity or cause.
The closing date for entries is 25 March 2019, and it’s really easy to apply - so come on, tell us about your hero now!