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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

SCVO receives funding for key third sector climate project 

Growing Climate Confidence has been supported by the Scottish Funders’ Forum. 

A leading third sector climate project offering vital support to charities and voluntary organisations looking to tackle the climate crisis will be funded for another two years, it has been announced.  

This initiative is delivered by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) on behalf of the Third Sector Net Zero steering group, with advisory input from Scottish Funders and Net Zero experts.   

The £200,000 awarded will cover strategic support, raising awareness of the campaign, and training provided by others in the sector.  Funding has been provided by the Corra Foundation, the National Lottery Community Fund, the Robertson Trust, SSE and the William Grant Foundation.

This new funding - over two years from June 1, 2024 - will provide fully funded carbon reduction and climate resilience training, self-serve digital tools to help organisations develop a net zero action plan, and strategic support to influence the funding landscape for climate work. 

Beth Mukushi, SCVO head of support services, said: “The Growing Climate Confidence project helps third sector organisations understand and own their responsibilities to take action on climate change.  

“We know that the majority of organisations care deeply about the climate emergency, but only 42% of organisations have policies in place to reduce their own carbon emissions.  

“Our net zero scorecard has given over 400 organisations a tailored action plan, and this funding will help us reach more organisations, offer wrap-around training and support, and link organisations into existing networks of climate action across the country.” 

Kate Still, chair of The National Lottery Community Fund Scotland, said: “We are delighted to be able to support SCVO in expanding its Growing Climate Confidence Initiative, thanks to funding raised by National Lottery players. 

“Through our funding we aim to help communities become more environmentally sustainable and to make the changes that help support a healthy planet. 

“SCVO has great experience and expertise in supporting Third Sector organisations to take action on the climate emergency,  and the expansion of this initiative will build the momentum and equip many more Third Sector organisations with tools to assist them on their net zero journey.” 

Nick Addington, chief executive of the William Grant Foundation, said: “We believe that all charities and social enterprises have a role to play in helping achieve a fair transition to a sustainable and climate-adapted future – whatever their mission – so we’re really pleased to be able to partner with other Scottish funders to enable SCVO to enhance its support to Scotland’s third sector around climate action.” 

An SSE spokesperson said: “The climate emergency is one of society’s most pressing challenges. We know from our community grant making that many third sector organisations want to do their part in tackling it but don’t know where to start.  

“The Growing Climate Confidence website and support programme helps them get clarity on what to focus on, and how. SSE is therefore proud to support the roll out and further development of this important work with partners.” 


Notes for editors: 

The main project aims are: 

  • Promote and raise awareness - Using the Growing Climate Confidence brand we will reach organisations with key messages to encourage action on the climate crisis and help them relate this to their organisational mission.  
  • Support - We will help organisations to develop and implement net-zero action plans, signposting to specialist sources of support and funding opportunities.  
  • Develop shared insights - We will share the real-time aggregate data generated through the net zero scorecard, along with other research, with the Funders’ Forum and net zero working group to inform wider funding and support decisions. We hope that funders will encourage organisations to use this consistent approach to report on actions they are taking to net zero.  

Year 1 outputs 

  • Our aim is to reach 50,000 engaged website visitors and 750 interactions with our net-zero scorecard over a twelve-month period.  
  • We propose to work in depth with around 150 organisations, through peer learning cohorts which will focus on carbon reduction and climate resilience. We would work with specialist organisations to deliver this support.  
  • We would run two ‘round table’ strategic learning sessions with funders and infrastructure bodies to reflect on insights and plan for the future.   

For further information contact: 

SCVO Communications 


Published on 8 July 2024