They worked with SCVO to quickly establish a Coronavirus Hub for the sector, and channelled information,UK government support Voluntary organisations in Scotland made use of the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme,services and products but found themselves in financial difficulties directly as a result of the coronavirus,, targeting those who are: digitally excluded; on a low income; and at risk of isolation due to coronavirus,Contact Kirsten Hogg Head of Policy and Research Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations Mansfield
The coronavirus pandemic brought into sharp focus the critical contribution of our members and the wider,We: Ensured the sector’s voice was heard in national discussions on the impact of Coronavirus, the future,Anna Fowlie was part ofWorked with Scottish Government and independent grant-makers to create a Coronavirus,We: created the Coronavirus Hub updated with information and resources on areas including funding, running,Scotland and the other giving an overview of the financial profile of the voluntary sector pre-coronavirus
practice for funders SCVO is working with funders to support a collaborative, aligned response to coronavirus,how to keep the supporter experience at the forefront of your fundraising despite the impact of coronavirus,Here are some ideas about how to support charity or community partners through coronavirus and beyond,of the public can support charities Charities need time, money and goods to ensure they survive coronavirus
However, like other voluntary sector organisations, the coronavirus pandemic forced us to adapt our plans,For example, our digital inclusion work, our Coronavirus Third Sector Info Hub, and our one-stop-shop,We have worked in partnership with Scottish Government on the pandemic response as well as on policy,Policy Insights into our policy work and how we have worked to support and advocate for the sector We,Our Policy team identified six key areas of focus for our policy work: CoronavirusEconomic actorEuropeEmployerPartnershipsRegulation
The Health & Safety Executive provides further information on protecting workers through Coronavirus,,This should always be a priority, but especially during the Coronavirus recovery.,The CIPD have also developed a Coronavirus Risk Assessment template for workplace safety.,Spending time carrying out inductions with everyone will enable everyone to learn any new policies or,procedures that have been implemented since Coronavirus started.